JoinedTopics Started by sunstarr
Watchtower Article Titles We'll Never See
by COMF ini saw redhorsewoman's thread title, "the time is at hand", and knew why she picked it: because the society uses that phrase all the time (or used to when i was in, anyway... i'm betting they still do).
it reminded me of a district assembly part from along about 1983 called "now is the time" (can any of you brighter types guess which song they chose to accompany it?).
this got me to thinking of how the society has these pet phrases they use over and over again, often featuring them in some thinly reworked format (like going from "now is the time" to "the time is at hand") as article titles.
"Mire of atheism..."
by Julie in:i welcome those of your quality of character and refusal to sink into the mire of atheism or deep cynicism, .
i found these words to be so interesting.
i have seen posts (albeit few) that discuss the bible and whether or not it is of god.
So Who's Going to WNFJ?
by NeonMadman in-just curious who's going to be at the witnesses now for jesus conference in pennsylvania come october 19-22. i'm definitely going to be there, and i'd love to run into lots of you good folks.... the program has been posted at
How Would You Respond?
by silentlambs ini know this is kind of like shooting fish in a barrel, but i just have to share this email i got a few minutes ago.
i think it encapsulates the response many will have, no matter what is said about the molestation issue.
i invite you read it, put yourself in my shoes, and see how you might offer a response.
Watchtower accepting credit cards ?
by BERNARD ini was trolling around on the great crowd board of jehovah.
witnesses and one mention about a credit card machine being.
installed in an asssembly hall of jehovah witness.
Quote for Silent Lambs
by Amazing insometimes, i find quotes most helpful in creating a sense of mission and focus.
i find the following worth noting:.
"our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
most embarrasing thing ever at a meeting ...
by alliwannadoislive inhey ... i'm just getting into the swing of this great 'apostasy' thing right ... ?
... i thought y'all out there might well have a story or two to tell, so ... plz tell me tell me tell me about the most embarrasing thing you ever saw at a meeting ...
Observation by an outsider
by MikeNightHaShev ini notice that because the jw's point out flaws with the churches doctrines and beliefs that instead of fixing or repenting or solving the issues it's easier for church people to form a backlash whether it's honest or falacious in order to displace blame and smokescreen their own inadequacies.. you can not heal yourself by pointing out anothers wounds, you also can not solve your problems by displacing them instead of admiting and addressing them.. if a jw or anyone else points out the problem of abuse in the church then by pointing out an abuse in the jw elders does not solve the issues of the church abuses neither is it repentance as repentance should be.. if you can't discuss the bible and resons why you fall short and trasngress then by bringing up personal issues or attacking each other like jackals does not change those transgressions it just adds more.. as an outsider i must say all of you are like animals on their prey simply because you didn't like being exposed for your false testiments and false practices.
this means your emotional and psychological and spiritual level is far from being grown up.. will you dare persecute me for pointing out such observations?
a spiritually grown person will reflect on what i say, admit to it and try to change, but a child of darkness will feel their ego hurt and group rpide kicks in causing a person not grown to become defensive bitter and mean/perhaps even spiteful.
Flowers For Erica
by silentlambs ini received the suggestion below in an email and thought it might be a nice gesture.
if you would like to send flowers or cards of support to the courthouse the address is:.
adams county courthouse.
Meet Silentlambs In Person!
by silentlambs ini am going to be at a trial in ritzville, washington.
the town is about an hour southwest from spokane, wa.
i will be there on august 14th, which will be on a tuesday.