Topics Started by in3D
by AndersonsInfo inif i told you that something bigger is on the horizon than dateline, bbc, cbc, sunday (australia), and all other tv programs which exposed the sexual child abuse cover-up by watchtower in 2002-2003, would you believe me?
have i ever misled you?
i'll answer that--no!
Ray Franz And Things That Are Too Hard To Handle.
by Englishman ini see that ray franz is coming in for a fair bit of criticism due to his apparrant unwillingness to accept that jw's had a problem with the existence of child abuse when he was a member of the gb.
also, it would appear that ray is being chided for his belief in the rule of 2 witnesses before action can be taken against an abuser.
it seems to me that it is quite likely that ray wasn't aware that there was a serious abuse problem within the society when he was a member of the gb, if only for the reason that ray would find such an activity so detestable that he would believe it to be a virtually impossible act for anyone to perpetrate.
Congregation get-togethers
by freedom96 indid your hall ever organize times for the congregation to do activities?.
about every 6-9 months, mine would have a congregation picnic.
people would bring food, and we would play a softball game.
I just got laid off
by eisenstein ini got laid off tuesday, the 29th, ten minutes before midnite, right before i was supposed to go home.
the nerve of them.
i am kind of upset, but know times are hard right now.
Why Im ignoring my friends.
by refiners fire inive basically kept this under wraps in so far as this board is concerned, but ive decided to tell about it because, frankly, im under stress at the moment,am posting (when i post at all) a bit strangely and i wish to explain why im hardly posting, nor am i hardly responding to emails or chat requests from my friends here.
i apologize for the latter.
in a nutshell, my wife is sick, shes been sick a year now and the situation is getting worse.
Did anyone really ever study?
by freedom96 ini know we were taught to study all the wts stuff.
prepare for each meeting, prepare for service, (gotta know the articles) etc.
i mean with all the personal study to do, how could anyone have time for newspapers, novels etc.
Is there anyone close by???
by kelpie ini have only just registered at this forum and i would like to know if there are any ex jw's that live in or close to canberra, australia.. i have been shunned by all family and friends because i left the organisation (not disfellowshipped at this stage but won't be long) and i finding it hard to cope with.
i am sorry to be down but i miss all my family and friends and would love to make new friends that know what i am going through.
my boyfriend is very understanding but gets frustrated as he doesn't know why my family are doing this to me.. this sounds like a whingy post but i promise you, i am not normally like this.
Are any "Active Witnesses" Marching Fri?
by in3D ini live in nyc and i am not an active witness right now, but was wondering if anyone who is active is going to the march this friday?
does anyone know about how long the march will last?
i go to work at 4pm.
he who is sinless cast the first stone
by eisenstein indoes anyone know why the new world translation omits john 8:1-11?
john 8:1 - but jesus went to the mount of olives.
2- at daybreak, however, he again presented himself at the temple, and all the people began coming to him, and he sat down and began to teach them.