Many problems of JW FAQS used to project a positive image on the outside and the policies and procedures used to control members inside.
JoinedPosts by Longlivetherenegades
FAQ LIES: Dress Codes
by neat blue dog inspeaking to the general public:.
frequently asked there a dress code?no.
however, jehovah’s witnesses try to dress modestly and respectfully.. meanwhile, speaking to members out of the other side of their mouth:.
They are running out of people to do their stuff.
by liam inthis is the watchtower study article being studied today.
so it’s the current new light!.
what are the new qualifications to be an “elder-aka older man...and circuit overseer?.
Looking to recruit foot soldiers that needs to keep advancing their delusions
New here
by AdamCzarnobay ini left the organization in 2017.. was in several congregations in the north west of england.
i just wanted to say thank you to all of you that have posted on here over the years, it really helped me to see the truth about the organization.
i lurked here for many years under an anonymous login and then finally plucked up the courage to write my disassociation letter.. adam.
Welcome and happy to see you drop that disassociation letter. That disassociation letter (medicine) of theirs is never palatable to their taste whenever any member leaving go down that route.
Is Jesus the Creator?
by Sea Breeze inthat's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
Thanks peacefulpete for the comments above. I remember how while preaching from house to house Jehovah's Witnesses can easily disrupt the peace of the homes of other Christians based on nonsense doctrines that has no basis in the Bible about celebrating Christmas or not.
BEROEAN PICKETS:- VIcky And Mike's Story. "Judged To Be Like The Antichrist "
by buzkid invicky and mike hobbs are ex jehovah’s witnesses and ex beroean pickets members their personal statements and experiences within the beroean pickets bible study groups wasn't pleasant.
and vicky was likened to the antichrist because of her differing views.
spiritual abuse is becoming more widespread and the purpose of this interview is to raise awareness, provide education around spiritual and religious abuse, and to keep the public safe.
This is serious
What would it like to see
by JohnR1975 inwhat i would like to see and maybe will get there in about another ten years is being a jw is a rewarding thing that enriches your life.. just like other religions out there you may not know the entire truth and maybe not quite right many of the beliefs but to have to idea of a belief centres and stabilises you.. i would like jws to be able to celebrate birthdays and maybe even other holidays if they choose to and not be judged by those who choose not to.. i would like jws to be allowed to have different interpretations of scripture and everyone is happy to agree to disagree and be able to say to each other yes maybe that interpretation is nearer the truth.
we just don’t know.. i would like new members of the gb to issue an apology for previous members getting so many things wrong.. they need to come out and say they were wrong about 1914 this date has no scriptural significance and the same is true of 1919. jws were not chosen in 1919 as the one and only true religion.. we just don’t know about so many things and it takes humility to admit we were wrong.. i would like to see even more lightening up on stupid restrictions like young people being allowed to have a varied friends and activities that are not with jws only..
Loool @ joey jojo.
They are really confused about who really do their thinking for them.
The unending and fruitless argument on Trinity
by Longlivetherenegades inthose who say they are christians or follow christianity needs .
1. father .
2. jesus .
Ray Franz wrote......
As with the earlier quotations, I do not present this as a form of “proof” on a particular side of the issue of the validity of the trinity doctrine. The real proof rests with inspired Scripture not scholarly views. I present it because it is so often claimed that reluctance to accept what may be called orthodox or traditional trinitarianism is simply due to the person’s ignorance of the original languages of Scripture (Hebrew and, particularly, Greek), or due to having been indoctrinated with a biased, one-sided view of religious history, or due to the person’s understanding of certain texts being warped by a biased translation or interpretation of those texts. This Swiss Protestant theologian’s command of the Biblical languages, the depth of his knowledge of religious history, of the writings of the Ante-Nicene period and of following centuries are beyond question. The same is surely true of his knowledge of the various arguments, pro and con, regarding the Biblical texts that figure in the trinitarian dispute. Yet he makes evident that his acceptance of the “mystery” of the triune-God doctrine is as a product of theological thought, not because of belief that the teaching is itself actually present in Scripture. Even as other quotations coinciding with Brünner’s could be made, so could quotations contrary to his. I do not agree with all of his viewpoints. Verse-by-verse discussion of relevant Scriptures could be made and claims pro and con could be presented. That is not my purpose here. My intent here is not to argue against certain doctrines but against the dogmatism and judgmentalism that all too often accompanies them. What I have quoted is solely to demonstrate that there are highly respected scholars who, though in no sense supportive of Watch Tower claims, do not view the questioning of the Scriptural foundation of this doctrine in its traditional, orthodox form as the result of either ignorance or a cultlike mentality. Of greater seriousness to me, it illustrates why I cannot sympathize with those who take a judgmental attitude toward others because such ones’ view does not coincide with their own, with those on each side of the issue categorically denying that those on the other could possibly be Christian. I find it notable that, in contrast to the degree of moderation, caution and balance expressed by the sources already cited, often persons whose academic credentials are immensely inferior are among those most insistently dogmatic and judgmental on these same topics. I have no question that some of the arguments and reasonings they employ would be viewed as completely unworthy of consideration by those same scholarly sources. Whether we are learned or unlearned, I believe we must guard against dogmatism and judgmentalism, as indicative, not of wisdom and discernment, but of both smallness of mind and smallness of spirit and heart.
Pre-Nicene christians and the trinity
by joey jojo inthis is just a quick summary that might be useful regarding the threads about the trinity currently on the board.. in 325 ce, the nicene council was called by constantine to settle schisms within the christian church.
the argument about the nature of jesus in relation to god was one of the big problems that needed resolution.
at first, constantine told the 2 main players, alexander and arius to sort it out between themselves, as he, constantine didnt see it as overly important.
Ray Franz wrote......
As with the earlier quotations, I do not present this as a form of “proof” on a particular side of the issue of the validity of the trinity doctrine. The real proof rests with inspired Scripture not scholarly views. I present it because it is so often claimed that reluctance to accept what may be called orthodox or traditional trinitarianism is simply due to the person’s ignorance of the original languages of Scripture (Hebrew and, particularly, Greek), or due to having been indoctrinated with a biased, one-sided view of religious history, or due to the person’s understanding of certain texts being warped by a biased translation or interpretation of those texts. This Swiss Protestant theologian’s command of the Biblical languages, the depth of his knowledge of religious history, of the writings of the Ante-Nicene period and of following centuries are beyond question. The same is surely true of his knowledge of the various arguments, pro and con, regarding the Biblical texts that figure in the trinitarian dispute. Yet he makes evident that his acceptance of the “mystery” of the triune-God doctrine is as a product of theological thought, not because of belief that the teaching is itself actually present in Scripture. Even as other quotations coinciding with Brünner’s could be made, so could quotations contrary to his. I do not agree with all of his viewpoints. Verse-by-verse discussion of relevant Scriptures could be made and claims pro and con could be presented. That is not my purpose here. My intent here is not to argue against certain doctrines but against the dogmatism and judgmentalism that all too often accompanies them. What I have quoted is solely to demonstrate that there are highly respected scholars who, though in no sense supportive of Watch Tower claims, do not view the questioning of the Scriptural foundation of this doctrine in its traditional, orthodox form as the result of either ignorance or a cultlike mentality. Of greater seriousness to me, it illustrates why I cannot sympathize with those who take a judgmental attitude toward others because such ones’ view does not coincide with their own, with those on each side of the issue categorically denying that those on the other could possibly be Christian. I find it notable that, in contrast to the degree of moderation, caution and balance expressed by the sources already cited, often persons whose academic credentials are immensely inferior are among those most insistently dogmatic and judgmental on these same topics. I have no question that some of the arguments and reasonings they employ would be viewed as completely unworthy of consideration by those same scholarly sources. Whether we are learned or unlearned, I believe we must guard against dogmatism and judgmentalism, as indicative, not of wisdom and discernment, but of both smallness of mind and smallness of spirit and heart.
The unending and fruitless argument on Trinity
by Longlivetherenegades inthose who say they are christians or follow christianity needs .
1. father .
2. jesus .
I have really enjoyed your comment on this topic. I think people love chasing shadows than reality as captured below......
These threads end up in these cycles because you are speaking right past each other. Both sides operate with radically different definitions of just about every word that matters on this topic. That is why both sides can quote the same scripture, the exact same one, and yet both sides will act like it soundly ended the debate.
The main reason why many religious organization today are conflicted internally leading to calling defectors apostates and conflicted externally by calling other religious denomination not part of their own false christians
The unending and fruitless argument on Trinity
by Longlivetherenegades inthose who say they are christians or follow christianity needs .
1. father .
2. jesus .
Really appreciate the discussion here. All this unending back and forth over trinity in summary for me is men queuing behind fellow to advance their agenda and ideology which count for little in the final analysis.