JoinedTopics Started by nelly1
What are they saying? Competition.
by dmouse inok, i was having a chuckle to myself this morning looking at this month's pictures on the jw calendar, which depicts the cheesy activities of the elders.
i was wondering if folks would like to suggest what they are actually saying on this picture: .
my suggestion is: .
some comforting thoughts
by nelly1 in.
i was thinking about jesus and how the bible says he is the exact representation of jehovahs very being, and u know what it is nothing like these awful so called christians, and i was thinking jesus himself had to abandon his own religion because its leaders were gross hypocrites and treating his sheep like dirt, so he left it and condemned it and he to as a result was severly shunned and u could say dissed in a form because they denounced him as having anything to do with jehovah if u remember, and he was persecuted also by these leaders just like the ones who leave the organisation today they too are persecuted by the so called true religion so it is coming further and more clear to me as days go by if we look further below the surface we see that he the only begotton son king of gods kingdom went through exactly what we are going through he was abused called a liar they said he was a seditionist the list goes on and he too had an illegal trial ( could be called a judicial) by the religious leaders of his day and his sentance was death, and we know that the jews were his chosen people we dont know that the wtbs is.!!!
! that i think about all this stuff it is such a comfort to me, as so many are experiencing illegal trials at the hands of the elders(pharissees) and i know this because i was one of them i had a illegal trial where lies were told just like poor jesus, so he of all people knows only too well what these dear brothers and sisters have suffered, and i beleive with all my heart that he will pay back to those ones they have no future, and one day we will have the happiness we deserve at his hand and anyone else who deserves to including all of you every last one whos heart is right and loves jesus and the creator, i know he will not forget any of us and what we have suffered, jesus was for the underdog not the high and mighty proud know it alls, so take heart and hang in there.... lots of love nelly
Blessings, Superstitions ..and Bull$**t
by metatron input down your new world translation.. stop quoting your time- worn texts.. look at your life, for god's sake, mr. average witness!.
all this obedience and constricted living is supposed to get you blessings!.
i simply gave up - both as an elder and a long-time witness.
How would you answer?
by sunshineToo ini hate hearing, "you left jehovah?
" as if i abandoned god.
i get angry.
Pretty Cheap
by JH inlast time i set foot in a kingdom hall was in december 2001. it was sunday morning and i sat in the back as usual.
a handfull in the congregation greated me when i came in.
since it was the watchtower study, i needed a watchtower magazine to follow, but nobody had a copy for me.
Elders Spying on JWs
by Yizuman ini hear crazy stories about elders spying on the congregational members.
i even hear of stake outs on member's homes.. anybody have any stories about elders doing crazy stuff that you have seen them do or even heard about from others?
meaning elders trying to catch members being in the wrong?.
Governing Body! Worshiped like Kings!
by Alligator Wisdom ini can't get over the fact the the gb of the wt society are treated like kings.
aren't they supposed to be "one of the brethren"?
the wt always accuses others of being guilty of "idol" worship when it comes to people of fame (i.e.
my story
by nelly1 in.
well i tried to do this yest and i lost all of it, :( lot of typing lost, but oh well, i would welcome feedback from anyone who has been through similar things to me, i got the truth 13 yrs ago, and i never felt like i was wanted not really, i was with a man and had 3 kids with him when i came into contact with the witnesses, but he was a pedophile so i found out and had been doing things to our kids since they were born, i ditched him, he walked from 2 high court trials, and no one in my cong cared abt me, they didnt want to know.
said it was in my head, anyway, i struggled for years i hated going to conventions and being ignored by my own cong, it was just me and my daughter on our own all the time trying to serve jehovah, i didnt feel happy but i just wanted to please my god and i just tried my best, i always felt left out and i was never asked to do demos at the hall, its like they were just putting up with me, i was always pulled in for stupid things like the messages i put on my answerphone cuz some stupid stuck up old sister didnt like it.
What Was The 1st Thing That Made You Question?
by minimus inas a youngster raised in the "truth", i had my questions.
but anytime you ask a question that is unanswerable, you are told to just wait on jehovah.
as time passes, i believe that we store up a number of unanswerable questions that forces one to eventually think about everything.