JoinedTopics Started by emilynghiem
The god of the bible doesn't care and here's some proof.
by Crazyguy inaround 600 ad a man named muhammed created a book called the quran.
a few hundred years later the followers of this new religion called islam went on a holy crusade out of arabia to spread their religion.
in one key battle they were met by the ruling government army and were out numbered at least by 3 to 1. they could of easily lost and if god would of made sure of this most likely thier religion would of stayed an insagnificant religion of just arabia.
Is my purpose to help, fail and suffer?
by TheLonelyOne inhi folks im coming from far for many, for some maybe bit near.
life has been thought.
even though i'm only 27 pain and problems has been around since my first days.
My mother says I should just DA already.
by Julia Orwell incut the cord.
sever all ties.
start new.. and she's right.
Need advice on a comeback to my wife: when she is in cult mode she says faith without works is dead.
by goingthruthemotions inso i have gotten into arguements with my wife in the past about this cult.
now a days after reading steve hassan books...i just try and avoid anything jdub with her.
try to keep her in authentic mode..(not sure she really has one).