V. Maybe I just have become jaded. But. when I hear stories like your that just "ring the bell" with my own experinces<sigh>. I was told that no son who has any respect for his elders would ever say anything bad about what the/his elders believe. I am a bigot for not being willing to go to a/nother bible study because I am scared of the truth. When family died they sent the one and only jw that I truly love and do actually respect to my front door under the false pretenses of "work." I look at them as people who were under me while we were rockclimbing. They could not or would not grab the rock. I had two choices. Keep trying and hoping that they will get a grip. Or, cut them loose and save myself. I chose to cut the rope. Sometimes it's all you can do. It is not about hate. It is about survival.
The Jehovah Witnesses are masters at playing on "others" emotions. I think it was mulan who talked about teaching some mormons a thing or two about grabing attention during prostalatzing. One step away from agitiation.
V. Remember that christian morality is an easy thing to prey on. I do not understand why we do not instill a clear sense of the difference between love, lust, and desire in this culture. They have so much more to do with spirituality than with sexuality.
"If" I were with you when your Dad said those things to you I would have called him a coward to his face. No parent who loves their child would make that child feel like dirt.