JoinedTopics Started by Bibbitybobbityboo
What was the "final straw" that made you leave the JW's ??????
by run dont walk inwhat happened or was said, that made you decide, enough is enough, i am out of here ?????
How Do You Feel About Jehovah's Witnesses???
by minimus innearly everyone that posts here says mostly negative things about the witnesses.
a few will speak of certain jw's that were helpful to them while they were going through difficulties.
in the situation that you find yourself in now, do you feel that you hate jw's?
The PO and CO visit light!!??
by truman ini am just going to have to start keeping my front door closed.
today, i had it open, and there was no way to pretend i wasn't home when the two 'brothers' rang my door bell.
actually, they had been by last saturday, too, but the door was closed that day, and i didn't answer it.
"Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name and expel demons in your name?"
by truthseeker ini would like to know if anyone can help me with this question.
presumably in the last days when jesus arrives as judge and executioner, he says the famous scripture, "many will say to me in that day, lord, lord, did we not prophesy in your name and expel demons in your name and perform many powerful works in your name?
and then i will confess to them, 'i never knew you, get away from me you workers of lawlessness'".
What was the funniest counsel/encouragement you rec'd from an elder ???
by run dont walk inkind of similiar to minimus question, this one got me thinking.. the funniest for me has to be the elders telling me i should buy a 4-door car for field service and not to buy a camaro.
i almost believed them.
telling me in would not be proper to drive that in field service.
What's The Worst "Encouragement" That You've Recieved From The Brothers?
by minimus inafter reading nina and sadie's experience, i couldn't help but appreciate hearing how the brothers are always trying to "encourage" ones.
how did they try to encourage you?
Are You Afraid That You Will Die at Armageddon?
by minimus inthe watchtower constantly threatens us that we must be on guard or else.
are you afraid that you will die at armageddon??
Stereotypical Witnesses
by tazmaniac inok....we all had them...perhaps we were one of them....stereotypical witnesses.
there were many stereotypes that proved to be in congregation after congregation.
what stereotypical witnesses do you remember.
Dr. Laura
by AuntieJane ini listen to her regularly.
i don't always agree w. her but usually have to admit that she is right from a moral standpoint.
god knows we need more of that in this world!.
It's so simple -- Matthew 24
by cruzanheart inso here i was this evening, reading the old familiar matthew 24 with the kids before bedtime, but i was reading out of our very nice contemporary parallel new testament, specifically the message version, and i had this sudden realization: jesus didn't give us a really complicated, mysterious prophecy that had different types and antitypes -- he was simply continuing his original message (love your neighbor, love god).
remember verse 12 about the love of the many cooling off?
the verse right after that talks about enduring to the end.