JoinedTopics Started by poopieskoopie
What can I do??
by Nenmco infirst, i am married, but the marriage ended 11 years ago.
no sex, no emotion, just roommates paying the bills.
i met a wonderful jw gal about a year ago and we have been friends.
God has always used one channel, one group of people, to communicate his messages to.
by poopieskoopie inok, since time indefinite jehovah has always used only one channel (his people) to reveal himself and future events to.. are we to totally disregard the dreams given to nebuchenezzer, then king of the world, in the book of daniel???
yes, dreams directly from god himself to a pagan deviate with a weird name.
why were they not given to daniel???
Personal Paradigm Shifts
by freeflyingfaerie indo you find yourself, since leaving the religion, having an exhorbitant amount of personal paradigm shifts?.
sometimes i question my sanity.. i feel so open to ideas...don't know where to start sometimes.. don't feel dogmatic about too many things...maybe feel that it just 'isn't for me'...at least for right now (lol).... but in all of this, i never tire of these epiphanies and spontaneous feelings of gratefulness and love.. .
does anyone else out there experience this ?.
Personality Disorders Attracted to JWism
by skeeter1 inare there personality disorders that find the watchtower an appealing fit?
i have read it before that people with personality issues are attracted to extreme religions, and that extreme religions can make a "normal" person mentallly ill. .
to start off with, i was reading about obsessive-compulsive disorders and this "profile" seemed like the "normal" jws i know:.
the bizarre things religious people say and believe
by Hortensia ini sat in the community garden tonight and talked with one of my neighbors, an old lady in an electric wheelchair.
she was telling me she won't be able to garden next year, it's getting to hard for her since her stroke.
so we talked about her stroke.
4 sincere questions for those that believe there is a God
by S EIGHT ingreetings.. allow me to set the questions up.. after 30 years in the truth (i'm now late 40's) and having established the truth about the truth i consider myself agnostic going on atheist.. i struggle to believe there is a god when i observe life yet i try to convince myself there must be something out there.. here's the basis of my question: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-23583116 .
in summary, 2 young boys have been killed by a snake that escaped from a pet store in canada.
it made it's way up through the ventilation into the apartment they were staying in.
Ouija Board!!!
by XPeterX into those who don't believe in this shyt:you'd better not post here .
ok...so you ever used it?what experiences do you have?were you able to summon a demon?what did he tell you?what did you see?i'm really curious and i wanna try it!.
jaydub forged my signature on govt. docs
by truthhurts13 inso i recently learned that my ex-wife (who is still an active jaydub) forged my signature on govt.
documents in order to receive my share of small settlement i was going to get.
i haven't even seen her in about 6 years.
This is well worth remembering
by The Quiet One inhttp://www.theguardian.com/uk/2001/oct/08/religion.world?view=desktop.