JoinedTopics Started by wandasoo
Zone Visit feedback, from ones still in??
by Crazyguy injust wondering if any one has heard from ones still asleep, what their feedback has been and what comments have been made by the rank and file??.
So if "parents are to blame for children leaving the truth", then STEP DOWN GB!
by stuckinarut2 inif to mo's comments in the talk re "parents are to blame for children not being in the truth etc", (and yes, as many have already very nicely pointed out that this must therefore imply that "jehovah is to blame for satan and the angels rebelling"), doesn't this mean then that members of the gb need to step down?.
haven't some of the gb got family that are not "in the truth"?.
hypocrites yet again!.
November 8th Special Meeting
by Chris Tann inanyone have any leaks on this three hour meeting we are having early november?.
It's my 25th yr anniversary of freedom
by rebel8 inapproximately 25 yrs ago today, i left the borg forever.. .
thank you jwn/jwd for helping me heal by listening to me.
there are not many greater gifts than freedom..
August vacations cancelled
by wandasoo inhad a vacation planned for august, but got the rug pulled out from under my feet.
hubby said he wanted to go in september, but gave me no reason.
i finally told him i knew he had to pioneer in august.
Looking for info regarding internet
by wandasoo incould someone help me find info that shows jw's are not to be on the internet or facebook.
hubby says they have never been told not to use the internet by org.. thanks, wandasoo.
2014 Convention Program is up on jw.org
by factfinder ina new book for children on friday?.
a brochure about god's organization on saturday?.
Do You Still Wear "Meeting" Clothes?
by minimus ini have dozens of suits.
i still buy them .
i wear ties sometimes too.
Annual Meeting Instructions to MS / Elders
by jw07 inhave any elders or ministerial servants here recieved any specific instructions regarding the annual meeting?
as an ms all i have been told to do is to arrive early to "await further instruction due to the sensitive nature of my assignment".
ironically all i can imagine after hearing that a few times is dispensing cyanide laced kool aid to attendees.
by Thoughtless inso after the annual meeting, on sunday, the elders want to talk with my family.
i do not like this one bit.
perhaps i am being exposed.