by Mary 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    He just needs some ideas on how to keep it bareable.

    The less clothes he weares, the more bareable it gets, heh Seriously though, if there ever is a time to lie, this is it. A good stopgap technique in phone handling is to ask the annoying caller if gumby can call him back in 15 minutes. Excuses can be of any number of things, like going to the bathroom, or his dog is barfing, or his wife has her hair stuck in the wringer Then, he can think up other excuses, or suddenly get distracted by something else and completely forget to call the guy


  • juni
    Maybe he could just be honest and say he's feeling overwhelmed by all the attention.... say it feels like he's being "love-bombed" and it's uncomfortable to him. He could say that he feels a bit confused by his own emotions right now - a little resentful at how easily "love" and "friendship" can be turned off and on like a lightswitch

    I really like the suggestion from Scully. And those "confused emotions" could take a very long time to heal even to the point of depression which could take even longer.

    Also, you get some relief yourself because you made a statement about how you truthfully feel. Perhaps it might get someone to start thinking rationally.


  • lawrence

    Mary, give Gumby my regards.

    All he has to do is tell one of them that he has a bad case of the crabs, doesn't know where he got them, but is rigorously attempting to eradicate them - that should take care of socializing. The word will get around, and if he were to scratch occasionally at the KH, he probably would be excused from the book study as well.

  • Satanus

    Ps, after mary's 'bareable' slip, i completely lost it and didn't read any more posts. And so, if my comment was already made previously by a brother, i apologise.


  • BluesBrother

    I say to go along with it.. eat their salad and crisps relax and observe just how banal the conversations are. Think himself well out of it. We rarely get invited. When we have, it has been no wrench to come home and get back on the board and converse with real people again.

    Gumby has a wit and vocabulary that would stand him in good stead - have a little fun at their expence

  • truthsearcher

    1. Develop an allergy to deodorant/antiperspirant

    2. Try out the new garlic diet

    3. Volunteer at a local school and pick up a case of head lice.

    Or, maybe there are a couple of folks that he would enjoy spending some time with, maybe to build a relationship that could lead to them leaving the org too? Maybe God has a "reason" for this and could use it for good.

    All the best, Gumby!

  • UnConfused

    Just talk about spiritual things all the time with a crazed look in your eye and be overly GumZealous:

    "I can't wait until they come to tear our guts out during the tribulation. We'll be running for our lives. They'll take down our children and our wives before our eyes to break our integrity - and some will I tell you, some will. Are you going to stay strong brother? Are you? When they have wife broken down in front of you are you sure you can do it? Well I'm going to make it I tell I'm hiding Awakes and Watchtowers all over the place. They act like power pods to me. You should do that too. Come on - let's start now - we can pull the shower out and hide some there. By God we're going to make it!"

  • Mary

    Oh my god, I'm killing myself laughing here..........

  • LittleToe

    There are all sorts of innocuous but irritating things you can do like:

    • leaving your pants flies open
    • leaving your shirt half untucked
    • blowing your nose but not wiping it
    • allowing drool or crumbs to hang on your chin
    • shave only every 2-3 days

    Personal study and Meeting preparation are good excuses. Being a newly reinstated person he's supposed to be taking special care of his spirituality, and there's nothing more off-putting than being reminded that you should be doing the same

    "I'm sorry bro, but I'm putting Kingdom interests first, and Friday night is my personal Study night, Saturday is my Watchtower night, etc. I have to keep myself in a good regimen else before you know it I'll be out again!"

  • reneeisorym
    He should tell them his grammie is dying in Canada. Then give them all my name and address & ask them to send cards as the christian should encourage those who in their opinion is lost.---tell them she should receive a witness from them so she can enter the paradise....Go to all the invites & make sure you spell my name right & the address I will be happy to make their aquaintntance

    That's the best one yet!!

    How about, "I'm really still considered bad association and I don't want to make you look bad by having me over. You should probably wait a while before doing that."

    Or the one I use all of the time in real life (Yeah .. I can be bad... ) He could ask them to do something he KNOWS they can't do. Pay special attention to what a person says they are going to do that weekend and then wait until the next meeting and ask them to do something with you that same time as their other plans. Then when they ask you to do something and you turn them down, they won't feel like you are avoiding them.

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