I really feel bad for everyone involved. And I can honestly see why each of you responded the way you did.
Grandma deliberately went against mom's explicit wishes. It doesn't really matter 'why' she did it. She schemed and she manipulated.
The baby obviously has no lasting damage but that's not even the big issue at this point. Witnesses are very regimented and there are steps to everything. Grandma has been formulating in her head (whether she admits it or not) a plan to inculcate her grandson. She may have wanted to show off her grandson to her friends but she also wanted more. She tested the waters with 'Step One'. If she gets away with 'Step One', she can next move on to 'Step Two'.
The more uncomfortable the consequences for 'Step One' are, the longer it will be until she attempts 'Step Two' and 3, etc.
Mom (Unbeliever) - Hugs to you. I know how you feel. I've gone off on my mom for less. I feel like a horrible ingrate for cutting my mom off but even after innumerable hours of discussion, 1000's of dollars in counselling with her (I paid all bills), and nearly two decades of varying degrees of separation, she cannot and will not respect my boundaries. Actually, she does respect them now because there is virtually no contact at all. I can tell stories of manipulation by my mom and threats that she made and subversive activities (undermining parental values) that occured but I'm tired of it.
Dad - Welcome to JWD. It really is a good place. Since joining, I've met many of the posters in real life. These are good people trying to learn how to reclaim their lives outside of a cultish environment. Each damaged to greater or lesser degrees and each in varying stages of recovery. I strongly encourage you to check back here from time to time. There are some who are quite militant with extreme and emotional views of JW and WTS but many are also quite articulate, insightful and supportive. You will find a goldmine of information that will help you balance and counter-balance the emotional climate that will impact your young son's life.
Don't know if it's been mentioned yet or not but the discipline to sit still at the meetings often starts getting serious at about 6 months of age. I watched one little girl be beaten with wooden spoon routinely starting before she was one. She would be about 17 now. YIKES! I hope her parents left and lightened up a little... (This was extreme and most discipline of toddlers is not that consistent or severe, but it does happen.) More than likely Grandma won't be extreme, but others may be. I've seen non-related adults hit other people's children. Once I had a virtual stranger (Ministerial Servant) offer to take and discipline a figgitty (sp?) child who was visiting me. Can you imagine getting a spanking from a stranger?? WTF????
Uggg. I understand Dad's feelings - it's Grandma. A child needs it grandmother's love. That's probably true. But grandma needs proper training first before she can be trusted.
Best wishes for peace to each of you.