Leola: Go informal witness to them!!!!!!!
I do believe WT teaches the GC is pre armagedon too, not just after....oompa
by observador 175 Replies latest watchtower bible
Leola: Go informal witness to them!!!!!!!
I do believe WT teaches the GC is pre armagedon too, not just after....oompa
new light? its time to change the bulb.
I think the whole building needs to be rewired. so they won't have this flickering light problem
You are right.
My favorite post of the day!!!!!!!!........but just stop there.....oompa
The Jehovah's Witnesses' theology, to the extent that they have one, is falling like a house of cards. Their doctrine makes less sense now than at any other point in their history. Look for the society to put pressure on those asking too many hard questions. By the look of things, they are going to continue to dumb down their doctrine until the only explanation to their doctrine will be "because we say so." People who don't ask questions are going to be held out as examples and will be promoted up the JW hierarchy while studious and intellectually curious JWs will be viewed with suspicion and slowly marginalized. The Watchtower will put emphasis on Biblical figures who obeyed without asking any questions (think Abraham sacrificing Isaac).
Those who are unhappy about not having answers and who eventually choose to leave will not be missed and will be held out as examples of impatient ingrates like the unwise virgins of Jesus' parable who are ultimately undeserving of Jehovah's protection. This will be a slow process whose end result will be a more ignorant and compliant rank and file. Gone will be the days of my childhood where several JW theology experts were present in each congregation, experts who could quote hundreds of scriptures and the society's publications verbatim. These people will be pushed to the curb. The new and improved JW will be one who is willing to accept anything the society says at any given time.
"What do you mean we were at war with Eurasia? We've always been at war with Eastasia?" -- Orwell's 1984
I found it hard to accept the Generation change in 1995 but I did as told, prayed about it, left it in Jehovah's hands and didn't talk to many about my doubts. How grateful I am to be out of their CULT. I can only wonder what is going through the minds of some of my former friends that I know must be wondering what is going on. I only hope that they can remember a few of my statements on my way out of the Borg.
Peace & Love,
I believe it all you have said. But, do you have a copy (scan) of the FEB 2008 WT? Just asking :)
...is the "class of John"...a "head" trip? carmel
I shall propose the following test to see if it the answers lies that th "Generation" does actually rests on the "Anointed Ones". We can do this in a manner that it is very effective an we can do this at when it comes to the memorial time.
The test will be the following:
At the Memorial at each and every KH around th globe, when someone takes part of the emblems, those who are acting as attendants should behead anyone that does partake of the emblems.
Once we have conducted a Memorial Sevice at every congregation all around the world, there should not be anyone who is of the "Anointed Class", as they have been all killed. Therefore, once the Anointed have been killed off, Armageddon should start.
If Armageddon doesn't start, then they are wrong.
I pissed off a lot of bros back in 1995....but not enough to get df'd damn it. How I wish I had stuck to my guns....that was such a contemoraneus piece of crap........instead another dozen years down the drain...........oompa
by the way...those word wizzards at wt may have duped you all again...I have been saying no real change as the evil worldly, GC and 144k are all part of that ol generation unless one of that segment dissapears and all they said was the anointed COMPRISE the GENERATION....not that they are ONLY that GENERATION ....and comprise can mean "part of"
M. Websters:
I do believe WT teaches the GC is pre armagedon too, not just after....oompa
The "great tribulation" of Matthew and Mark (Luke does not mention the great tribulation) is the great tribulation connected with Daniel's prophecy which concerns "his people" and occurs before the second coming, that is, before the "sign of the son of man" appears. The "great tribulation" of Revelation, is clearly just before Armageddon. So there are TWO GREAT TRIBULATIONS; one before Christ arrives and one after.
The great tribulation that occurs before the second coming is one of the major signs that flags when to expect the messiah. It is a one-time event that shocks the world, an event that never happened before and would never happen again. But it's LOCAL. You can flee to the mountains and save yourself. And women with children are disadvantaged here because it. They can't very well leave their children behind to flee to the mountains to hide, nor is it feasible to take those children with them. But does that really sound like Armageddon? Can anybody hide in the mountains and escape Armageddon? No. The first "great tribulation" where almost all "flesh" is exterminated and that occurs before the second coming is the HOLOCAUST. It is not until "immediately after the tribulation of those days..." that the sign of the son of man appears to confirm from heaven that the messiah has arrived. Therefore, at least we know the messiah would not arrive before 1945, the end of WWII. But considering the "last generation" begins with a world war as the first sign, you could interpret the "last generation" as a period as short as 40 years, that is, with all signs including the appearance of the "sign of the son of man" occurring after 1945 but before 1954 (1914 +40 = 1954). There is one caveat arguing against the 40-year generation interpretation:
There is mention that the messiah's appearance would be like "lightening" that shines from east to west. Keep in mind that after the tribulation there is an imposed darkness of the sun, moon and stars, meaning that the understanding of the second coming would be only known to a few. This is the period just before the second coming where the "ten virgins" all of them, are nodding and their lamps become dim. Only a select group of the anointed, therefore, would see the sign and would be awake to see the messiah directly who appears as lightening. Now whlie the WTS emphasizes how brightly the ligtening shines, it ignores the fact that lightening is quick and temporary. It appears as a brief flash only. Thus Christ's physical appearance in the flesh would be seen by the select anointed in that precise way, like a flash that all of them could see but just for a short period. How so? TELEVISION. A cameo appearance on national television would allow those in the immediate vicinity of the messiah to see him from horizon to horizon; that is, from New York to Hawaii, and even beyond depending upon the syndication of the program worldwide. Since that doesn't happen though, until after the messiah becomes a carcass, that is, when they see him he is a "dead messiah" (as the prodigal son), then the interpretation of the "generation" would have to be extended to meaning 80 years as the Bible indicates. That is, all things would be fulfilled by 1994, 80 years after 1914. The JIOR messiah appears on time in 1992 so there is no problem with the apparent explanation of the generation. Further, they don't have to deal with twisting "immediately after" into "immediately after the beginning but during..." the great tribulation. The "sign of the son of man" is thus connected with the second coming and not Armageddon. Armageddon happens after the second coming. As noted above, the "great tribulation" associated with Armageddon as mentioned in Revelation is a different great tribulation than the one someone can escape to the mountains to mentioned in Matthew, which was the Holocaust.
All the more proving the WTS as prohesied are totally in spiritual darkness as prophesied. They are the evil slave organization and have been abandoned at this point by Jehovah. The anointed JIOR who leave the "broad road leading into destruction" and who follow the narrow path end up with the truth, and have no problem with the "last generation" being from 1914-1994.