How Can We Expose Child Abusers - Who Got Away with it as Witnesses ?

by flipper 115 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    Wow ! Haven't received this much love since I was a witness ! LOL! Good night now ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

    Mr. Flipper: I'll say again, I think you're heart is in the right place and you are well loved and well-liked by many on this board, including myself. But this response of yours is also telling. This issue transcends you receiving love in return for being supportive and helping.

    I think the reason you received so muc flak on this topic is because of the title, "How Can We Expose Child Abusers?" There is a huge assumption on your part in that question, which is that we SHOULD expose child abusers. You also repeated that "should" in a couple of other posts on this thread. It was this assumption that got you into hot water.

    Perhaps if you had asked "How Can We Support Survivors of Child Abuse?", you might have gotten a very different response. When some survivors and others with some experience, pointed out the flaw in this assumption, and didn't agree with your ideas, you got quite defensive. I know you have a history with HS on this board, but you were not able to put it aside in this instance to really listen to the point that he was trying to make or that of actual survivors who disagreed with you. Listening to and understanding all sides of an issue before reacting is also a crucial aspect of providing support.

    If you truly are going to get involved in supporting survivors of child abuse, you will be subject to the most vicious attacks by some people using the vilest of language. You will hear the most gruesome, graphic details of abuse that will sicken your stomach and it won't all be in the polite privacy of a therapist's office. Some of it may be very public. If you can't handle a little heat and disagreement on this discussion forum, which was very mild, without becoming hurt and defensive, how are you going to handle the raging infernos of hell that is supporting abuse survivors?

    It shows that your own ego is heavily invested. If it wasn't, then you would "know" the right way to go about supporting those you wish to and you wouldn't have needed to ask the question which is the title of this thread because you would have already done the work to educate yourself. It also wouldn't make a damn bit of difference to you what HS or Uzzah says because it wouldn't be about dueling egos, but it would be about helping victims. I know you don't want to hear it from them, because they didn't put it "nicely", but before you go exposing anybody's child molestors, other than your own, please get some more education on the subject or you may indeed do more harm than good.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    OK folks lets halt the mud slinging now and perhaps get back to the topic.

    Maybe a better thread title would have been " How and is it possible to bring known pedophiles who got away with their actions by virtue of being associated with the JWS

    finally brought to trial ? "

    Its quite obvious this is a sensitive subject, but lets discuss this in a calm and respectful manner, OK

    My thinking is that putting all efforts into just exposing these criminals and not going any further then that would be pointless and tragically damaging to the victims

    in the most unimaginable ways, so we certainly wouldn't want to do that. In some sense that would be a criminal act in itself in my opinion.

    In reflection of what happened with the Catholics recently, people that were abused when they were children at the hands of priests realized when they

    became adults that something should be done in the name of social justice and to correct a wrong that had occurred in their lives.

    They took a stand knew what they were in for and what they were up against but persevered and did successfully put a few priests behind bars, with all of the support from

    their families , friends and community. From all that I have heard they felt it was all worth it in the end, it seemed to have brought some closure to the whole situation, justice did prevail

    and yes this did gave a forewarning to anyone that may had contemplated on this kind of action. Priest , JWS or other wise, society does want are children protected from sexual predators

    both in and outside of any religious organization to be sure.

    I'll leave it there I have to go..........

  • wozadummy

    Unfortunately there is only one justice that satisfies the crime ,anyone can read about it in the bible -death. Though it seems to have been acceptable for the Israelites to mete out this justice ,today we have been conditioned to abhore this with our consciences which strangely enough may not have been bible trained ,but it was OK back then!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I actually had a well-meaning professional counselor who was counseling my son for some unrelated issues, apologize profusely to me for asking me questions about my past one day when we were alone. I was already overwhelmed emotionally with my son's problems and was not ready or able to cope at the time with "the can of worms" she opened up. It "triggered" me into a nervous breakdown and I couldn't even go to work.

    For those who don't know, "triggers" are anything that cause a victim or a survivor of abuse to flash back. A trigger can be a smell, a sound, a phrase or reading/watching something that reminds or triggers an involuntary, often uncontrolled, reaction. Example: Nina and I were talking about why I was suicidal, severely depressed, could barely work, etc. She wanted to know if I had ever been abused as a child. I quickly denied it. Then she suddenly leaned forward and in a rather intense voice with big eyes said, "Did anyone ever say to you -- 'If you tell I'm going to kill you'"? I ended up screaming for several minutes huddled in a corner. That is a trigger, albeit an unusually reactive one.

    Confronting your abuser is the penultimate trigger. Doing so in front of a hostile crowd is about a 9.6 on the Sphincter Scale.

    If you truly are going to get involved in supporting survivors of child abuse, you will be subject to the most vicious attacks by some people using the vilest of language. You will hear the most gruesome, graphic details of abuse that will sicken your stomach and it won't all be in the polite privacy of a therapist's office. Some of it may be very public. If you can't handle a little heat and disagreement on this discussion forum, which was very mild, without becoming hurt and defensive, how are you going to handle the raging infernos of hell that is supporting abuse survivors?

    "The smell of infant sex" is nothing. I've heard stories from other survivors that involved sadism on a level that brought tears to my eyes. But if you are going to be in this subject, abuse victims need to be given room to move at their own speed, which includes saying as much as or as little as they need to. It also means letting them tell their story, and since everyone is different, some stories are told more graphically than others. In Mike Lew's book "Victims No Longer" several survivors tell their story. Some are very brief and give no details as to what was done to them. Others were very graphic, including the man who, as a boy, was sodomized so badly he had to be hospitalized to repair the damage.

    I've shared some things on this board that were intense but I tried not to be graphic as I didn't need this board to support me. But there was a time I did need that, and I did have Nina to talk to, and I was very graphic with her. If she had chastised me, even once, about some of the things I was debriefing about, or told me I shouldn't speak that way, I would have shut up forever.

    There is nothing wrong in having a reaction to what is said, so long as you make clear the reaction is about the perpetrator, not the victim, that your anger is directed at the perp did, not the story the victim is relating. I'm sorry you were uncomfortable hearing just a tiny description of child abuse.

    And then there are Jehovah's Witnesses who would villify you as would not believe possible. Cog is right, if you think the constructive criticism that has been given on this thread is painful, you should not even think of being involved with exposing a Witness perpetrator. We had 9 elders in White Rock; all 9 of them, separately and over 3 years, marched to my house to "prove" to me that I was a liar, insane, a troublemaker, hated by Jehovah (but he really loved me except when he hated me because I was lying). One remark that still rings in my ears was the elder who said, "Jehovah is far too busy to worry about your petty little problems."

    Nina had it very tough as she was still going to meetings. The criticism, shunning, snide comments and shabby treatment she received makes anything hillary_step, Farkel, AlanF or JanH says seem like a folk dance in comparison. I mean no disrespect to you Flipper, I was taking you at your word that you wanted a discussion on this subject and to listen to all sides. Careful with what you say that you want as sometimes you get it.

    Maybe a better thread title would have been " How and is it possible to bring known pedophiles who got away with their actions by virtue of being associated with the JWS

    finally brought to trial ? "

    Forgive me, maybe I'm missing something, but that seems to be pretty much what Flipper asked in his original post.

    My thinking is that putting all efforts into just exposing these criminals and not going any further then that would be pointless and tragically damaging to the victims

    in the most unimaginable ways, so we certainly wouldn't want to do that.

    How so?

    I did try to go further, but legally the statute of limitations ran out (as well as the fact that the abuse took place in a different state). Additionally many of my memories were recoverd memories and that was, and still is, somewhat controversial.

    As for Jehovah's Witnesses, well tell me what more I could have done? I told the elders in my congregation, my father's congregation, 3 CO's, 1 DO, I wrote a letter to Brooklyn, I shouted it from the rooftops. My paternal grandmother (my father's mother) confirmed many of the memories I was having at the time. She even agreed to say something to the elders. The elders refused since she was not a Witness and "you know how worldly people lie." What else could have been done?

    But doing all that, at that stage of recover for me, was extremely damaging to me. By doing what I did, the way I did it, reinforced the worthless feelings I had been trained to believe in by my abusive parents. It also permanently stamped in my heart that, if there is a god, he doesn't give a damn.

    So I'm not clear on what you mean here. Can you help me out?

    In reflection of what happened with the Catholics recently, people that were abused when they were children at the hands of priests realized when they

    became adults that something should be done in the name of social justice and to correct a wrong that had occurred in their lives.

    They took a stand knew what they were in for and what they were up against but persevered and did successfully put a few priests behind bars, with all of the support from

    their families , friends and community. From all that I have heard they felt it was all worth it in the end, it seemed to have brought some closure to the whole situation, justice did prevail

    and yes this did gave a forewarning to anyone that may had contemplated on this kind of action. Priest , JWS or other wise, society does want are children protected from sexual predators

    both in and outside of any religious organization to be sure.

    What makes you think this isn't already happening, or has happened? There have been several attorneys involved in pursuing just what you propose, I met with one, Kim Norris. They have spent hundreds of unpaid hours building case after case. Many don't pan out (mine for example as the statute of limitations had run out). A few have.

    You mention the Catholic Church, I don't pretend to have the level of understanding that Kim, or Blondie would have about it but the first thing that hits me is the Church had a paper trail a mile long. There were numerous documents showing bishops and archbishops knew a particular priest was sexually assaulting children and they made no effort to stop it (other than reassigning him to fresh meat).

    Jehovah's Witnesses don't have a paper trail. They are more cunning by far. This is one reason why elders are instructed to call Brooklyn, rather than put something in writing. Plausible deniability. There is more to it than that, and as I say I am no expert so I'll let someone else take that part over.

    But on a more personal level, I don't think you appreciate the tremendous emotional cost of mounting such an attack. You find yourself in a situation, forced to say publicly to the most hostile audience imaginable the single, most humiliating, degrading and dehumanizing details of your life. And after you've found the courage to say those words, you must then listen to that audience rip apart every single detail. "Liar" is the kindest thing said to you.

    "Did you like it?" "Are you queer?" "Your father is a decent man, not like you." "Children can hurt a parent far worse than a parent can hurt child." "Well IF your story is true it happened before your father was baptized, so Jehovah has forgiven him now you need to get on your knees and beg his forgiveness." "Your family will be reunited in a paradise earth while you are destroyed at Armageddon; you'll be food for the birds." "Let me show you a few scriptures to prove why Jehovah hates you." "Justice is just another name for vengence and you know how Jehovah feels about vengence." "If you don't shut up about your father I will see to it personally that you are disfellowshipped."

    And that's just the religious angle. Wait till lawyers get a hold of you. In a deposition, they go over and over your story and any misstatement, misremembered detail, any inconsistency is hammered at you over and over. Then there's the trial. I listened to a teenager once who had to testify against her perpetrator. I heard from her how difficult it was to psyche up to it before, during and after. It's a helluva thing.

    If a survivor wants to pursue their abuser, then more power to them. But, as I said before, it is a huge mistake to "use" victims to wage war. There is that old Buddhist saying, "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."

    I'm curious, what ideas to bring "known" perpetrators to trial do you have in mind?


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    To give one an idea of what it might be like to actually testify, here is a Massachusetts attorney's attitude toward victims:

    Don't think that attitude doesn't apply in triplicate toward adult survivors.

  • cruzanheart

    Chris thinks I need to weigh in on this one with the wife's viewpoint, so here goes! First of all, I am in awe of anyone who faces their abuse head on and deals with it. It is pain unlike any other. Once you open the Pandora's box of your memories, there is no turning back. Those memories affect the here and now and color how you look at people. The most well meaning phrase, if uttered at the wrong time, can sound condemnatory or start a shame spiral. It's frequently a no-win situation for a spouse. What needs to come through is your unswerving love for that person and your belief that (1) the abuse was not their fault; (2) they are worthwhile people; and (3) you will not leave them.

    Abuse victims are waiting for bad people to turn good and good people to turn bad. They may push you to see if you will leave or turn abusive as others have. They may be totally wrapped up in their own "stuff" for a long time to the exclusion of life around them. Be patient. Above all, though, keep your own identity and core safe. You can't help them if your own "stuff" gets in the way.

    I told Chris during one of the times when he was apologizing for being so much trouble that one day he'd have to do the same for me. That is definitely true! My abuse issues, while not as violent as his, had to be dealt with later on in our marriage, and bless him, he was there for me as I tried to be for him.

    It was particularly hard having the Witnesses as a third party through all of the years of dealing with abuse issues, since they are an abusive cult in their own right. I stayed a Witness for 15 years after he left, stubbornly trying to "wait on Jehovah" for justice which never came. It was tough. I respected his decision not to go, but still, because I thought it was THE truth, I tried to encourage him to go back. Never once did I ever think of leaving him because he was now a non-believer, though. He was still the same man I married, with the same wonderful qualities. Turns out he was smarter than me, since he left the Borg back in 1989!! And he found this forum and gently led me to it at the perfect time for me.

    It's a wonderful, noble thought to expose the child abusers, but there's no cookie-cutter way to do it. Each individual case is different, and each abuse victim has to decide if it will hurt or help to drag that into a public court, whether public opinion or legal. We all find closure in different ways and each person has to find what is right for them. For a while I had fantasies of shooting Chris' dad in a kidney and watching him slowly and painfully bleed to death (yes, I DO have an Inner Bitch), but that passed and I'm content to just have him out of our lives forever. Living well really IS the best revenge, and karma will take care of ol' Gary Presley one way or another without my help. Besides, I'm a lousy aim . . . .

    And I must say that I am yet again proud beyond words at the posts Chris has made. When I married him, I saw a lot of unrealized potential in him. Once the abuse memories came out, I realized why the potential had been unrealized up until then. His posts show the depth of thought that makes up who he is, and his kindness in wanting to help others like him reflects who he is. Except when the dog pees on the carpet.


  • fifi40


    Thank you for weighing in with the wife's point of said something which touched a nerve in me.............'waiting for bad peole to turn good and good people to turn bad'.

    I feel fake in a way even mentioning the abuse I suffered as a kid because it was physical and verbal as opposed to sexual, but that sentence brings tears to my eyes because I can so relate to it.

    So thanks again, you have aided me in my own personal learning process.


  • cruzanheart

    Oh, Fi, that's so kind of you to say! I'm glad it helps. My abuse was mental -- Chris calls it "mind-fucking" (pardon me, mods) -- and sometimes it's hard to feel that it was THAT bad. Not all abuse is of a sexual nature. You should hear the stories my friend Steve has told about growing up with an alcoholic father. It can just destroy a person but he managed to find his way and has a really happy, healthy life now. I wish you happiness and peace too! And lots of GOOD people who won't turn bad.



  • flipper

    Thanks for the observations and comments

  • VanillaMocha73

    What I find horrifying is that every single area my son has been raised in is listed as "has child abuser". And my ex continues to take him to these areas.

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