Big Tex,
When I first came on this board 6 years ago, things were quite a bit more "wild west" (to use Bowen's phrase from his goodbye thread), much more in-your-face than now, but I did notice that with a handful of people, there was some depth and intelligence to the very frank talk. In your case, I noticed something more, you had a side that isn't on display. You challenge people to work to see it, but once it is seen you become a much more rounded, perceptive, kind and extraordinarily big hearted man; I still see that in very nearly every post.
I do think there is a difference between offering support and being cuddly. Support isn't always about offering a pat on the back, rather (I think) many times it's more about giving someone a safe spot in the storm to open up about a problem and then giving appropriate feedback. More empathy than sympathy. And if there is a shared experience, wisdom painfully learned from past mistakes, and so on, then offering that is part of support as well. As this is a discussion board, I think once you throw something out there, you have to be prepared for whatever comes back and whatever form that takes. I think that's healthy personally.
So do I Chris. A big difference. The problem is that many posters cannot see the difference between emotional 'support', flippant {{{{{hugs}}}}}, sympathy, trying to impress others, and empowerment. My position, stated numerous times now, is that the amount of 'support' that can be given on an international discussion Board which deals with topics on a single page from favorite receipes to murder and child abuse is very limited indeed. This Board is no substitute for professional help.
A person might think that posting to an alchoholic, {{{{{{Sorry you fell of the wagon - thinking of you}}}}}} is actually supporting that person, when actually it may be empowering them into further negative behavior.
A person might feel that laughing at the disloyalty and antics that a seventeen year old kid shows towards the parents who fed and clothed him for years is being {{{{{{supportive}}}}}, but it may actually be empowering them into further negative behavior. As I have also noted, private mail, private contact, and face to face meeting in real life is the beginning of true support, and even then only the beginning.
A person might feel that {{{{{{{leave your wife}}}}}}}} is supportive when it may actually empower a person to a flawed decision that may bring misery to many other people.
The term 'support' implies sustained help and effort, not a few smilie faces or a pile of bracketed hugs on a discussion board. Some here are getting dangerously close to the attitude expressed within the WTS elder meetings:
So Brother Supporter, you were to visist Sister Suicide Attempt to give her help. What happened?"
Well Brother Sit On Yer Arse, I visited her last Monday suggested that she engage in deeper Bible research and get out on Field Service"
Well done Brother Supporter, we can now consider her supported. Let us move on now to who is qualified to open and close the windows in the Kingdom hall.
There now ensues a fifty minute discussion during which it is unanimously agreed that Brother Creepy Sod is indeed qualified to ventilate the Kingdom hall.