VANILLA MOCHA- As sad as it is to admit - I think JW child abusers are in many different communities. It would be hard to get away from them. I have heard so many stories about it from all over. All we can do is protect our children the best we can , and try to keep them from being around it
How Can We Expose Child Abusers - Who Got Away with it as Witnesses ?
by flipper 115 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
In a few days, boy do I have a story to tell!! I'm just letting thinkgs run their course right now!! cbb
CRAZYBLONDEB- We await your story with much interest to see how things are going for you ! Will talk soon. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I have just been watching NBC's "To Catch a Predator" on cable. The look on one or two of the guys faces when they realised they we're going to be on TV said it all. The way NBC named and shamed these men is commendable, but then after that they still get arrested! Can you imagine the way a JW perv could be named and shamed like that.
DIDGERIDOO- I do wish more molesters would be exposed publicly, then perhaps it would curtail some of them from committing such horrid crimes ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Another thread I wrote dealing with JW child molestation. Feel free to add comments