It seems to me there is some common ground here. Most of the attacks made here, have been made against the system. Some have compared it to the Nazis, which I see as extreme and inappropriate. While the Organization preaches destruction, it does not practice it. I can enumerate the evils caused by the system as well as anyone, and I think they are significant. However, I think when we direct our anger to the individual members, we are doing them and ourselves a disservice. I really think it is important to constantly remember our own mind set that we once had. Doing so, is the only hope we have of reaching others and helping them see a different way of life.
I also think it is useful for our own sanity to take a more dispassionate view. The recent thread on 10 reasons why people remain JWs is a good example of better understanding the issues on a conceptual level. JAVA had a similiar, excellent thread on the effects of high control religions. Unfortunately, I can not remember the title, and can't retrieve it. Now, I could be accused of practicing a little known defense mechanism - intellectualization. That is when a person takes an emotionaly charged issue and objectifies it to the point where the painful emotions disappear. Perhaps, that is what I am doing. Nonetheless, I don't think that strong feelings of anger towards the JWs or any other organization does much good for our mental health. I think that if we have enough motivation to write on this board and help those we can in other ways, that is sufficient. If we feel so stressed over this, loose sleep, and in other ways interfere with our own well being, we have gone too far. I am not saying any of you who are pissed are doing this. I don't know how you handle your personal life. I am just giving my 2 cents worth on my perspective on the whole thing.
My own sister is still a Witness, and I wish I could reach her, but I don't think I ever will. She is a very bright woman, but with a very closed mind. Do I think she is a good person? Yes, I do. Do I think she would be better off if she left the religion? In most ways, though she would loose her daughter as a result. My sister has lived an average, married, housewife life. The religion has not done major damage to her, and I can't see signs of major mental problems. I don't know if she is average or typical, but she is the kind of person that comes to mind when I write my opinions on this thread.