Well Sleepy....you certainly woke the Board up with this one....lol
by sleepy 146 Replies latest jw friends
Well Sleepy....you certainly woke the Board up with this one....lol
When I left, for a few years afterwards, if someone asked me what I thought of Witnesses, I would say that I thought they were very good people, but that I couldn't live my life that way.
Then I learned. Jehovah's Witnesses are not deliberately evil. They are not explicitly evil. They are implicitly evil.
The very combination of the beliefs and organisational structure and history MAKE it evil.
It is the evilness of an insect though. There is no Dr. Evil chewing his pinkie. If there were, at least there would be someone who you could hang. Its evilness is diffuse, the sum of its parts rather than its intention.
Makes it colder and even worse, once you get it. As Philip Larkin didn't once write;
They fuck you up
Those damn J-Dubs
They don't mean to
But they do
So, that individual, vile, piece of dirt that to some typifies the evil JW, the hypocrytical elder, would be just the same in some other ecological niche for assholes. He's been enabled by the cult, and disabled by the cult, but he's STILL an asshole.
So yes, I agree, even Dubs have to stand up and be counted for what they are, the assholes, or the 'really nice guy, must have actualy believed it all' type we have all met at some point.
It is the cult that is evil. The people are just people.
If you don't like ants, don't stamp on them...
... either lay down poison food they take back to the nest, or nuke the nest.
It is much more satisfying.
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...
Perhaps you need to ask yourself why did you do what you did as a JW.
Did you really think you were doing good for people.
Why did you go on the ministry?
Was it because you wanted to save peoples lives? Was it because thought they were going to die. You wanted to help .You got up early on a saturday you sacrificed your sundays you gave up your week nights.
Why ? Because you wanted to be a good person you wanted to help people.
If you weren't doing this for these reasons as a witnesses and it was all done out of fear or habit you are different to most witnesses I know.
If you believe witnesses are evil you'll never help them ,youre coming from a different angle and will never see from their shoes.
If you continually put them down, you'll just put them off , they'll never listen because for many the extreme cases we may site are not the norm but the exception.
Perhaps things are different else where , I doubt it, I'm sure you'll let me know.
Edited by - sleepy on 3 December 2001 15:42:15
Let me ask you something, Sleepy.
Suppose one day after an assembly, the coach driver didn't turn up to take you all home. So you said, oh anyone can drive a coach, I'll drive you home. Now, even though you had only riden a push-bike before, most persons would assume that you could at least drive, so some passengers would feel confident that you could drive them home safely.
I'm sure you will agree that even though your intentions were probably quite good, they were also extremely stupid and dangerous, and if anyone had been hurt, you would have been held responsible, because as a coach-driver, you were not qualified.
So it is with JW's who go from door to door and interfere in peoples relationships - they do too, be it emotional, sexual or a matter of headship, they are spoiling peoples lives because THEY ARE NOT QUALIFIED!
So, despite maybe having good intentions, they will not listen to other peoples wisdom, and that my friend, is their own choice, their own fault.
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....
*standing up and applauding Englishman*
Dubs knock on doors to save their own skin, they detest worldlings!
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....
God, I'm exhausted.
I'm off to the pub. Will resume later.
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....
"Perhaps you need to ask yourself wh did you do what you did as a JW.
Did you really think you were doing good for people.
Why did you go on the ministry?
It was because you wanted to save peoples lives. You though they were going to die. You wanted to help .You got up early on a saturday you sacrificed your sundays you gave up your week nights.
Why ? Because you wanted to be a good person you wanted to help people.
If you weren't doing this for these reasons as a witnesses and it was all done out of fear or habit you are different to most witnesses I know."
To this I say HA! I agree that there are SOME JW's who are motivated out of love and caring for others to 'preach' it was often to true that these were the sames ones that were motivated out of love to help others in other areas - such as feeding, clothing, etc. And funny enough, a lot of these people ending up leaving the JWs.
But the vast majority are not waking up early on Sat looking oh so forward to FS. It was a duty, a burden, and we all looked for as many ways to avoid it or at least make it more enjoyable - such as the old trick of making RVs at one end of the county then driving to the other end - counting time the whole way.
If JW's didn't have to turn in that little white slip of spirituallity every month I garauntee that 99% of them would never knock on another door again ...
English Guy,
I dont know what experiences you had in the org , I 'm sure that it effects you viewpoint greatly just like it does mine.
The point again is that if we claim that Jehovahs witnesses are all bad people, never any good, stupid, idiots whatever, we are being just like them. Apostates are all evil, bad the've got impure motives .
This is silly.
The fact is that many are good people some are bad.
In the world generally there are many bad people and many good.
Coming out of Jehovahs witnesses will not make you a better person alone.
Many are probably no different .
Each person has the ability to choose to do good to others or not , but as witnesses we were taught the fruits of the Spirit ,Love , joy peace etc and we tried to practise this.
How is this wrong?
This was an improvment for many people.
I had a friend who when he was in the world used to stop people in the street and beat them up.
He now hates his former live and tries to live by bible principles, some of which I dont agree with.
I would say he is now a better person than before.
He could change for the better still if he knew his current beliefs were misguided or he could choose to go back to his former way.
Whatever happens where he walks is a safer place for others now.
Teaching Bible principles did do good to some poeple.
Sleepy,if I want you dead,would you enjoy my company?If I want your kids dead would you like to hangout with me.If you said yes to either question,theres something wrong with you...OUTLAW
The Golden Rule:The people with the gold make the rules.