Friends we are too unbalanced.

by sleepy 146 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frenchy

    I live in Louisiana. Hey, who knows, we may get to meet one day anyway. Thank you for your input. My best to you and your wife.

    -My regrets stand like grim sentinels at the gates of roads once taken but not to be traveled again...The French Knight-

  • Bang

    Unbalanced ?
    You can help them, care about them, rebuke them, or whatever, but you can't truthfully say that they're ok and just a bit different.

    I used to wonder what Christ meant when he said that the devil was a coward, I mean, first impression would be that he's one tough tough customer, real nasty dude - bit silly maybe, but coward, what about ?

    He scared of God because he doesn't trust Him - talks to Him, even asks of Him, but he's in the dark believing a lie about Him - the lie being that God's really an asshole - that's the blasphemy, saying to yourself (or whoever else) that He's really an asshole - so then your never contrite, but at best only attrite - sorry for your loss, because you were actually trading.

    There's a lot of underlying reasons that people 'speak against the Spirit', dubious intentions or past fears - and it's a chasm that people can't cross on their own. Likewise, knowing that He's not an asshole you can't just then go and believe that He is one. In the words of an American actor "once you've heard the truth everything else is just cheap whiskey". So people are either for Him or against Him.

    What seems to be about the scariest part of the good news is perhaps the strongest medicine, and revealing. Paul was a blasphemer too, openly, telling people that God was an asshole, a seller of love. And it's the same with the WT society, they have been endeavoring to "nail Him down" because they don't trust His intentions toward people as being truly kind, they need proof of their own fate.

    It's a difficult illness to cure, takes a lot of patience, and it rubs off. How many people do you trust after being in the org.?


  • TR

    I think you're way off, sleepy. Sorry. I can't agree with much of what you said.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • sleepy

    The fact that so many disagree shows to me they are unbalanced.
    It was said I was missing the point (FARKEL)
    Guess what I started the post I was talking about witnesses as people not the organisation , everyone else who is talking about the org is missing the point.
    If apostate continue to imply that witnesses always have bad motives for what they do just as the witnesses claim the apostates have bad motives for what they do we will not get anywhere.
    If you can show me that teaching the bible has helped no one in anyway and that all witnesses do the preaching work out of hate and hope for all to die then fair enought you will have made your point.
    Drawing analogies will not help the witnesses have not exterminated six million Jews nor do they fight in wars, ( some here would justify innocent death in war as a means to an end).
    They have followed doctrine which were wrong because they believed they were doing the right thing not because they want to harm someone or hurt them.
    If you paint this false picture of jehovahs witnesses they will never listen to you as whay you say won't tally with what they see in the org.
    This is about being UNBALANCED that is in imputing too much bad motives to people and never using the good aspects to your advantage inorder to help them.

    Edited by - sleepy on 4 December 2001 3:46:51

  • larc

    Ij would like to ask all of you some questions. When you where dyed in the wool, zealous, true believing Jehovah's Witnesses, did you think you where doing the right thing? Did you want to help others get ever lasting life. Even if you found the door to door work to be a chore, did you think it was your obligation? I don't know how you thought, but I would have to answer yes to those questions. Therefore, I have to agree with Sleepy and Frenchy, yes, most Jehovah's Witnesses are good people.

    Now, if you can't answer yes to those questions, why where you there?

  • chester


    I was the first to reply to your post yesterday afternoon.
    I said I agreed with what you said. At the time I thought that you were talking about witnessess as people and not the organization. That is the part I agree with.

    I agree that the people for the most part have good intentions. I personally know some people who were helped by coming into the organization. They actually became better persons. That is the part I agree with.

    When it comes to the organization I agree with Billygoat, Englishman and the rest. I am so glad I was able to see the need to get out.


  • sleepy

    Chester I agree.
    I never said the org was good.
    I'm a bit worried about how some have demonised witnesses as people and the effect it has on our ability to be taken seriously by witnesses.

  • Englishman

    I'll tell you what worries me here. Too many people blaming the org, not many taking responsibility for their own actions. JW's generally are not good people. OK, they may have been conditioned by their teachers, they may be mirroring an organisations belief system, but when the chips are down they will dump people before they will dump the WTBTS, and it's that that is so frightening to many people posting here.

    JW's DO NOT CARE for anyone other than JW's. OK, they may shed a tear for their DF'd children / husbands / wives / parents, but they come second fiddle to the WTBTS, so they continue to shun / let die / whatever. And that makes them bad people!

    You see, when they became dubs they ceased to grow, they ceased to learn how to love unconditionally. They are a repressive people. They stifle development. My Auntie Lou became a dub at age 29, then her emotional maturation ceased and the org became her conscience. I love her to bits and she can be very kind and generous, but she becomes zombiefied at the slightest hint that I don't totally agree with the WTBTS. I trust her about as far as I can throw her, she has such an array of double standards. She is not a particularly good person!

    It seems to me that the nub of the argument comes down to this: If someone does bad things does that make them a bad person?


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • ashitaka

    People who make up the org, are the org. Could you have boy scouts without Boys?

    comeon, when I was in I was just as guilty as they.....


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    It is confusing.
    Trying to give a beloved family member the benefit of the doubt.
    They are good hearted people. On the surface they seem like they would give you the shirt off their back... can trust them, they are not allowed to lie, cheat, etc.
    But when the line is drawn in the sand so to speak, God vs. Org
    a husband will emotionally attack wife, mother - daughter, son - father, etc. to defend the printing company.
    As an elder once told me (with a pitiful look on his face)
    QUOTE "Loyalty to the organization is more important than the truth."
    Lying (even to one's self) becomes essential to defend the "truth".
    This sort of treatment is half expected from strangers but if you can't count on your own family when the chips are down then what?
    These are the situations that define people.
    Ultimately selfishness wins and people choose to SAVE themselves even if it doesn't sit right.

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