Reniaa, you missed my point. I am obviously not advocating for the trinity or any other Bible teaching. But there are more than one valid way to understand scripture. JWs don't have a monopoly on the truth. Nor do they have a monopoly on lies.
About your point that I did not cite that the WT is a helper:
*** km 1/80 p. 1 par. 1 We Have What They Need! ***
1 For 100 years now, The Watchtower has been keeping watch in a spiritual way. It has been bringing its readers “comfort from the Scriptures” and reliable guidance that only God’s Word, the Bible, can provide. (Rom. 15:4; Ps. 119:105) Most of us owe much of our own spiritual development and growth to The Watchtower. How grateful we are for the “food at the proper time” provided by the “faithful and discreet slave.” And to the holy spirit?
*** w79 7/1 p. 31 ‘We Really Appreciate It’ ***
Among those treasures that large numbers of our readers have perceived is the guidance that God’s Word offers regarding family life. They write: ‘“The Watchtower” has helped me to have a happy marriage. My wife and I are continually reminded to show consideration for each other, to be modest, to face problems mildly and with trust in Jehovah.’ (Germany) ‘It helped me to understand from the Bible that polygamy is not acceptable among Christians and it strengthened me to send away my extra wives and settle down with my first wife. As a result, I am now living happily with my family and have the joy of rendering acceptable service to Jehovah.’ (Nigeria) ‘For twenty years “The Watchtower” has enabled me to teach my children what is good and what is bad, and to be confident that what I was saying was right, that it was God’s viewpoint. Because we used the Bible, along with “The Watchtower,” to handle problems, we have never experienced a rupture in the parent-child relationship.’ (Japan) Again the focus is on the WT.
*** km 6/71 p. 3 par. 2 Shepherd the Flock ***
Jehovah in his wisdom has provided for that needed encouragement through shepherds appointed to care for his flock. The apostle Paul commanded the shepherd Timothy to ‘apply himself to exhortation.’ (1 Tim. 4:13) The Greek word that Paul used for “exhortation” is pa·ra′kle·sis, related to the word “paraclete” or “helper.” It can also be translated “encouragement.” Accordingly, servants have in mind giving whatever spiritual assistance may be needed, instead of a “pep” talk or “buildup” just to raise a brother’s field service averages. Attention is focused on building up spirituality by means of encouraging and assisting persons to read the Bible regularly along with the Watchtower and Awake! magazines and others of the Society’s publications. With appropriate spiritual assistance being given to fit the needs of an individual, there will not be any problem in getting support at the meetings or in the field ministry in view of what is stated at 2 Peter 1:8, will there? This would have been a good time to tell the friends that they have a helper, the holy spirit.
I don't think that it is relevant as to who has strong or weak positions. There are various ways of understanding the Bible. The WT only shows one way (at a time, since their narrow interpretation is subject to change at any time). If there are strong or weak arguments over exegesis, the point is that there are more than one argument. You dismiss any arguments that contradict the WT. Therefore, you show your bias.