Awakened interesting debunks you are atheists and as one reserve the right to debunk me using atheist yardstick
YHVH - you debunk this by basically saying he not the real God anyway - well he inspired the bible if you only think of this as a man-written book only that is your opinion but since you debunk on opinion based on lack of belief this isn't a debunk based from the viewpoint of christianity. so you haven't actually debunked me at all. (higher critism when I read it usually involves scholar men with long words going to extra-biblical sources and speaking opinion as fact lol in my opinion)
As a christian I say again YHVH is aptly proved to be the one true God of the bible and his official name I cite nearly 7000 times usage on hebrew scriptures as proof. JW's have this right christianity has it wrong they apply holy spirit and JEsus under this unbrella without any sriptural back-up, there is no scripture that direct says 3 = 1 1 john 5:7 additions has been proved FALSE.
You say Jesus is called a god several times, John 1:1 Jw's are completely backed up by the evidence believing this as either 'a god' or 'godlike', or 'divine' or are you arguing that it has the definitive article there now? ( the best trinitarian can do is argue you can still but god despite not having the definitive article they are on the defencive with this scripture context shows a God especially when taking with John 17:3 by the same author)the bible itself while monotheistic allows that things can be called God and be image of God and have access to God's power the holy spirit thus making them gods of a type but there is only one true God. isa and john have similar issues they are not God saying it but one is a man in shock and another is a description of a child born that notable doesn't say true god and since it is a prophecy well Jesus is called a mighty god trinitarians have fulfilled this prophecy but it doesn't mean he is the one true ALMIGHTY God.
1 Corinthians 8:4-6 (New International Version)
4 So then, about eating food sacrificed to idols: We know that an idol is nothing at all in the world and that there is no God but one. 5 For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many "gods" and many "lords"), 6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.
I think this scripture debunks that something can have the same word and be proved by that alone, this clearly shows God or lord can be used many times both for people/beings on heaven and earth but there is only one true God the FATHER and one true lord Jesus. it's the same principle as people saying Jesus is good so he is god yet the bible allows many in it to be good but since only God is the source of Goodness 'alal things good come from him' then he is can be called Good.
Luke 18: 18 A certain ruler asked him, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
19 "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good—except God alone.
If anyone can read this scripture above and not see it as Jesus clearly denying he is God especially in the context I wash my hands to them and their scritural blindness, and basic human expression and context.
to be honest awakenned I would give you more credit as an ex-gilead student to use the weak scriptures you did? You maybe an atheist now but you must see the strength of JW's on this?
or are you falling into the trap of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and so spout the weak trinity scriptures on this?
and again on the lazarus scripture this is a very weak argument I am surprised you use it? you can't pick and choose literal aspects of a story, it's either completely literal or complately simbolic therefore if you believe lazarus is literal you also believe abraham has a large bosom, a drop of water can cool the fires of hell that people in heaven can see people in hell and the reverse, call me old-fashioned but having a happy time in heaven but still hearing the groans and pleas of the eternally tormented in hell would be hard for me. but since Jesus admitted himself to talking in parable and stories could it just be that this is another one?
out of ineterst how can annointed rule over something that is destroyed by trinitarian stance the earth is destroyed and they have afigurative one in heaven, but the bible clearly shows the earth will not be destroyed.
the ot may allow divorce on many grounds but Jesus doesn't, you are splitting hairs here misdiring to Jewish doctrine not chrisitan doctrine.
hmm you freely quote wt's
Jesus prepared his appostles to be leaders and promised help with holy spirit - yes the scriptures are clear on this Yet the JWs have a quite nebulous view of HS, and feel that the helper today is really the WTS.
yet when you make this statement don't back it up with wt stating such whih they surely woul,tey say they are holy spirit GUIDED and the wt is just a tool to direct people to bible, I'm pretty sure all christians faiths make the claim to have holy spirit guidance so I don't think witness are unique in this, so basically this is just your opinion here.
I do not claim Jw's don't state a date, I refer to my reply above, the date is unimportant to me what is more important is whether they are following the correct god and biblical honesty, they are not 100 percent far from it but imperfection still has to be addressed. Or why did the bible followers go so wrong in the first place not so far after the last of the appostles died there is already evidence in the bible of false teachings getting mixed up and they needed to be refined by the spirit inspired leaders, I think this still applies now and will till Jesus sorts us out.
If you cannot even honestly see what I actually do put awakened this is worrying especially when you quote my postion on dates.
.You now have my answer to almost all of your points, and I highlight your inconsistencies. If the WTS cannot get these simple points right, then surely your faith is in a man-made organization, not in God nor his holy book.
Actually I was slightly disappointed gilead, you quoted alot of weak trintarian scriptures some opinion stuff and no real rebutal this is basic stuff for a bible student, Yuo maybe an atheist now but surely from just an analitical point of view you could accept were Jw's have the strong positions?