LOL@Lance!!...........Lance..It`s too cold and snowy to go outside and hit a tennis ball against the wall.....So.....Reniaa is my tennis ball and JWN is my wall..LOL!!..
by wobble 389 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
LOL@Lance!!...........Lance..It`s too cold and snowy to go outside and hit a tennis ball against the wall.....So.....Reniaa is my tennis ball and JWN is my wall..LOL!!..
The Watchtower has no use for Jesus and has relegated him to savior/mediator of only the 144,000
This misunderstanding been repeated ad nauseam and really should be debunked. What the Watchtower has said is that the term mediator is used in a legal sense, a contractual sense, which relates to the 144,000. If you substitute some other word for 'mediator', for example 'go-between', all JWs recognise Jesus as the one through whom they pray and who acts on their behalf in approach to God. In addition the Watchtower has never suggested, to my knowledge, that Jesus is only saviour of the 144,000. I would appreciate any references to the contrary.......Earnest..........................................................................................................................If your a Jehovah`s Witness..When Armageddon comes and your not an active JW..Your Dead!.....Jesus can`t Save you!..LOL!!.....Only active JW`s..Working for the WBT$ for free,will be saved!..Not even the 144,000 are safe!!..............In Watchtower World,the Watchtower is your Savior..Jesus is out of a Job!!..
outlaw: Besty asks:"Please post a list of the unique beliefs the WTS was promoting at or around the beginning of the 20th Century (that they still promote today) to justify your claims of holy spirit at that time".....You can`t do that!.....Because..Those gifted truths you speak about,are no longer regarded as true..
Actually outlaw, you lose on this one. My dad believes similarly to reniaa but ONLY in this respect. In 1919 they did believe God was Jehovah and his son was not part of a trinity, nor was the holy spirit. Guess what? They still do. They did not believe in immortality of the soul. Guess again. They still teach that. They did not believe in Hellfire....and ya...they still dont. They believed in creation....and still do.
So how do you say "Those gifted truths you speak about are no longer true." dad says "so that is why they were chosen....they had more right than everyone else, even though they had a lot of things wrong...they had the big stuff right"
now that i have puke in my mouth for even kinda defending renaai, i do think her logic ability has some serious wires crossed and we should all give her mind a rest....i see her comments and illustrations are getting more and more bizarre and she may be a danger to herself...............oompa
Mary I mention again we would have to condemn all faiths
Which is exactly what the Organization does through the pages of their literature:
w63 11/15 pp. 688-689 pars. 4-5 Execution of Divine Judgment upon False Religion: It is not egotistical for a worshiper to say and believe that his is the only true religion...... It may strike some persons as a new thought that not all religions are true and right, and that there is in fact only one true religion, only one true form of worship of a higher or supreme intelligent power.
w96 4/1 p. 20 par. 15 "Praise Jah, You People!" There can be only one truth, hence only one true religion. (Revelation 18:4; John 8:31, 32; 14:6; 17:3) Our gaining eternal life depends on finding that religion and obeying its God.
for it's a practise in this case 'picking dates for christs return' which they did on a regular basis from Jesus's time onwards
And which the WTS condemn the rest of the world:
"True, there have been those in times past who predicted an "end to the world," even announcing a specific date. .The "end" did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying."---Awake!, October 8, 1968, p. 23
this may yet be another past practise Jws need to drop and be refined on?
Ya think???
who knows but I'm willing to wait on Jehovah in this
So you're 'waiting on Jehovah' to....what?? 'Reveal his truths' through an organization that never gets a prophecy right? That has flip flopped on numerous doctrines over the decades, some of which have cost Witnesses their lives?
since they preach what I consider to be truest bible doctrine in comparison to the 34,000 other Christian faiths that were quite as date happy as Jw's. as I proved on an earlier post it is easily googled.
Yes, but just because YOU'RE dumb enough to fall for their lies, doesn't mean their religion is true Reniaa. All it means is that you're extremely gullible, and apparently incapable of thinking rationally along any lines other than what the Craptower Society tells you. If they told you the sky was green, you'd believe them wouldn't you?
I have to say Mary you fit the example I find that many do on here, you condemn Jw's for a practise they once did and now have dropped
Surely you jest Reniaa. They're still spewing their bullshit doctrine of forecasting the "imminent" destruction of this wicked ol' system of things along with promoting the false doctrine that your salvation depends not on obeying Jesus, or even Jehovah, but on obeying the 'Slave Class'. They still promote the disgusting doctrine that blood transfusions are condemned in the bible, and that all Christians in the first century preached 'door to door.' And they still promote the idea that Jesus chose THEM as the "slave" in 1919 as shown by a WT study article less than 2 years ago:
w07 4/1 p. 22 par. 4 Loyal to Christ and His Faithful Slave: "The prophecy of Malachi foretold that Jehovah, "the true Lord," accompanied by his "messenger of the covenant," his newly enthroned Son, Christ Jesus, would come in judgment to inspect His "temple," or spiritual house of worship. "The appointed time" for the ‘judgment of the house of God' to begin evidently arrived in 1918."
Where exactly do you get the idea that they no longer are guilty of false date setting?
by there past acceptance of it and current condemnantion of the practise but yourself still do the practise and at no point apply this to yourself
What in god's name are you babbling about? That sentence doesn't even make any sense (what a huge surprise). Are you trying to accuse me of setting false dates in God's name???
It's like saying boy A used to climb a tree realised it was dangerous and stopped doing it but Boy B who still climbs the tree risking life and limb condemns boy A for once climbing the tree saying 'It's no point you realised it's dangerous now because you did it so are still wrong' and yet the bible allows for repentance of wrong actions as long as we finally recognise this and stop doing them.
Actually, it's more like boy A announcing to all the world that the Mayor secretly authorized him and only him, to chop a tree down at 12:00 noon and at 12:05, would personally show up and say "well done". All the town people show up, boy A is there with his axe, but at 11:59 starts whining that he can't really remember if the Mayor told him to do this at precisely 12 noon. The time ticks by and nothing happens. Boy A doesn't chop anything down. Not only that, but there's no Mayor at 12:05. The towns people laugh in their fists at the stupidity of boy A, write him off as a pathalogical liar and go on their merry way. Except a few people who actually believe boy A when he starts backtracking and claims he really did chop the tree down, even though the tree is standing there in plain site. Furthermore, he tells these suckers people that the Mayor really did show up---he was just invisible---that's why they couldn't see him.
Boy A continues on over the years to create more outlandish stories about his accomplishments and even though they're all lies, more and more people believe anything he says and will ignore any logical evidence showing that boy A has been a liar from day one.
I'm pretty sure I covered my position on dates as something that doesn't overly bother me and thats that
That's because you know you've got no rational defense for the dates, so you pretend that they "don't bother" you. Yep....Boy A has done a great job on you Reniaa....
Oompa sez:
In 1919 they did believe God was Jehovah and his son was not part of a trinity, nor was the holy spirit. Guess what? They still do. They did not believe in immortality of the soul. Guess again. They still teach that. They did not believe in Hellfire....and ya...they still dont. They believed in creation....and still do.
Which of those bible truths were unique to the WTS in 1919, thereby informing Jesus' decision?
Post 5258 of 5259
Since 8/15/2007
outlaw: Besty asks:"Please post a list of the unique beliefs the WTS was promoting at or around the beginning of the 20th Century (that they still promote today) to justify your claims of holy spirit at that time".....You can`t do that!.....Because..Those gifted truths you speak about,are no longer regarded as true..
Actually outlaw, you lose on this one...No,you lose..Never post me "Drunk!".. My dad believes similarly to reniaa but ONLY in this respect. In 1919 they did believe God was Jehovah and his son was not part of a trinity, nor was the holy spirit. Guess what? They still do. They did not believe in immortality of the soul. Guess again. They still teach that. They did not believe in Hellfire....and ya...they still dont. They believed in creation....and still do...And?..
So how do you say "Those gifted truths you speak about are no longer true." dad says "so that is why they were chosen....they had more right than everyone else, even though they had a lot of things wrong...they had the big stuff right"..No Oompa..They did`nt even have the Little Stuff right..
now that i have puke in my mouth for even kinda defending renaai, i do think her logic ability has some serious wires crossed and we should all give her mind a rest....i see her comments and illustrations are getting more and more bizarre and she may be a danger to herself................................Oompa..Stop drinking!..You don`t when to Quit!!...........You have a lot to offer.....Don`t Screw that up!!.................
Well, I for one am worn out from this discussion...Reniaa, I appreciate your answers but I am a bit disappointed by them. I am having a very difficult time with your explanation of the difference of the cross and the watchtower logo. Outside of a Catholic or Orthodox church, I have never seen worship, incense burning or any other adoration of a cross. In any Christian churches I have seen, the cross is seen as a reminder of Christ's sacrifice and a symbol of what he did for mankind. To make more of it would be a bit of a stretch...and the reality is, what difference does it make whether it was a cross or a stake? The issue is that it was the sacrifice, not the instrument of death that was important.
As to the dates and your willingness to just accept that because other things seem right...I guess there is nothing more that can be said about that as it sounds like you are willing to compromise to the lesser of evils.
I find it ironic that JW's try to complicate what was originally a very simple message. If such complex analysis of scripture was required to gain salvation, the eunuch baptized by Phillip, the Roman centurion and others of that time would have never become Christians since they had such limited time for study before they made their commitment by baptism.
Besty why do they have to be unique? Are the combination of these unique? I dont really know..... nor care to research every religion of that time because it sure does not take that effort to prove this group is a lying cult that commits fraud in the PRESENT. Look at my current list of wrong teachings that is CURRENT! The past is so nutty that it does not deserve close scrutiny IMO...............................but it sure seems like we have really tried to help this poor girl...............oompa
It is simply not rational and never was, that Almighty God would give His only begotten Son as a sacrifice that we might have salvation - but throw in a contingency: in order to avail yourselves of Jesus' grace, you must accept a flawed, deluded and bumbling publishing firm posing as a religious sect emerging in America in the late 19th century and do whatever they tell you. And, even though He gave us a thousand-page instruction book - He left out any mention of said publishing company!
I would not even want to live forever in that fantasy world. Twenty-three years was enough, thank you!
.BTW Oompa - just want to emphasize that Besty specified 'unique' in his inquiry. Still no answer forthcoming.......
Edited to add:
why do they have to be unique?
Because they lay claim to being different from all other religions - the only one singled out for God's inside track. I believe that is the whole point of this discussion.