WANTED ! JW Apologist

by wobble 389 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BizzyBee


    You are misunderstanding (perhaps deliberately to play the victim) my quote from Matt. 7:6 -

    "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you."

    Meaning: To give things of value to those who will not understand or appreciate them.

    I most certainly was not calling you a swine. Not my style. I am saying that you are one who does not understand or appreciate the truths being presented to you.

  • tenyearsafter

    Reniaa...I would be very interested in your answering my questions, but you have ignored each one of them in favor of "shooting it out" with Outlaw or arguing semantics and decorum with Possible-san. Let me try one more time:

    The problem I have, and I may not have been clear, is that if Jehovah chose the FDS in 1919 (as claimed by the WTBTS), why did those chosen people continue in "false worship"? The Bible Students still used the cross, celebrated holidays, worshipped Jesus, accepted military service and believed in aspects of Pyramidology and Astrology at the very time they were "chosen". They did not abandon these practices until many years later...would it make sense that the religions of the earth were examined at that time and God would choose a people who engaged in the same practices as the ones God rejected.

    Reniaa...does the Watchtower logo constitute a graven image like a cross? It is looked to as a symbol of the Organization. If it doesn't have any special meaning, why does it appear on the buildings, publications, etc.? Reniaa, since it seems to be a detestable practice to you, why was it ok for the FDS to use the cross at the time they were appointed?

    I await your response...

  • isaacaustin

    And further Reniaa...Why would Jehovah have chosen the IBS as his people based on their simply being correct about the so called biggies- hellfire, trinity, soulsleep, etc when other groups did teach those same things during that same time period. Couple this with what tenyearsafter pointed out (the IBS also engaged in the same practices that other relgions participated in at that time and thereafter) what are we left with. Answer that. Do shoot off in another direct.

  • besty


    Please post a list of the unique beliefs the WTS was promoting at or around the beginning of the 20th Century (that they still promote today) to justify your claims of holy spirit at that time
  • Earnest

    passwordprotected : Conversely, let's talk about...that there is forgiveness of sins through another means other than having Christ as mediator

    I have discussed this fallacy a couple of times on this thread, for example :

    I am saying that it is nonsense to suggest that Jehovah's Witnesses do not approach God in prayer through Jesus and/or do not believe that he offers his ransom sacrifice on their behalf simply because the WT teaches that the word 'mediator', when used in scripture, is used in a legal sense.

    I am also still waiting for the following :

    In addition the Watchtower has never suggested, to my knowledge, that Jesus is only saviour of the 144,000. I would appreciate any references to the contrary.

  • wobble


    I think you have been on the same night-school course as Reniaa,"How to hi-jack a thread"

    this thread is not about Jesus as mediator or as saviour,and Besty and I want answers to what is basically the same question,

    "On what is the claim that Jesus chose the IBS in 1919 based,what scriptural teaching that they held uniquely then and still hold to?"

    If you want to start a thread on the JW view that only the 144,000 directly gain salvation from Jesus and all others get it via the 144,000,which is how I understand their explanation, then do so,but not on this thread.

    Many thanks


  • Earnest

    wobble Please don't patronise me, a simple request not to participate on your thread is sufficient. The posts that I have submitted have been in response to what has already been said on this thread, not to introduce a new topic. However, as you have requested me not to so I will not submit any further posts on this thread.

  • possible-san


    You said like this.

    Matthew 7:21
    "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

    how can we do will of the father if we do not see him as the one true God and mix him up with Jesus and holy spirit making the bible unclear?

    I cannot understand well why the first word "will" is bold.
    The first word "will" expresses "will" of future tense, and the next "will" expresses "will" of the noun.

    Although that meaning is completely different for me ...


    Reniaa..You make an Ass of Yourself with stupid remarks like this.."I accept the dates because whether right or wrong the holy spirit must have been acting on or around that time for them to have been gifted with so many bible truths"......A few days ago you said""Sex before marraige could become an even bigger problem than Christmas"..LOL!!..........It took you 3 days to answer one question from "Besty"..I think we are on day 2 for "Bestys" second question.................."Tenyearsafter" has been waiting patiently for you to get your head out of the Microwave..LOL!!.........................Your playing games with "Possible-San",knowing his english is limited...............................Do you like the attention your getting playing the Idiot?........................................................ Possible-San.."I think that I am doing my best although I do not speak English at all.

    I cannot express correctly the matter or feeling which I would like to say, in English."..You have done well,considering the type of person you are dealing with..Reniaa has been very impolite to you,not dealing with you honestly..

    Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • wobble


    I am sorry if I sounded patronising,the written word often does not convey the feeling behind the words.

    I certainly value your comments on here,but it just looked to me as though there was an attempt to get away from the question that Besty and I are seeking an answer to.If I am wrong I apologise again,and perhaps you would be kind enough to contribute the answer?


    Contrite Wobble

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