Well put Busy bee,I am saving your comment for future use!
Oompa--- Necessarily unique,or why would Jesus choose them in 1918/19?
As I have pointed out on other threads ,just one MORE suitable choice at the time would have been the Christadelphians,more of them in number I think at the time,but more importantly, teaching all the things your Dad mentioned plus did NOT support the War effort,they were conc. objectors from the time of the Ameerican Civil War!Surely Jesus looked mon that with approval,rather than the Bible Students buying War Bonds. Interestingly they published a list of their beliefs in the mid-19th centuary and still hold to them today,no Noo Lite for them!Those teachings are much as the JW's teach today after having to have copious amounts of Noo Lite
Not that I am an advocate for them,it's just one example of the rocky ground that todays "FDS" bases it's authority on.
So where is this spiritual food or teaching that Jesus looked at with approval that singled out the Bible Students as opposed to other more apparently worthy groups?
ps Or put another way,somebody answer Besty's question,if anybody can??????