WANTED ! JW Apologist

by wobble 389 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • leavingwt
    Personally, I do not see that Jesus or anyone else taught that there would be such a group. However, I do accept Reniaa's contention that if I was to associate with a Christian group I would do so with those whose primary beliefs were most in harmony with the Bible. I do not understand the pack of mad dogs who cannot accept her contention that dates are not that important to her faith as a JW, almost insisting that she doesn't know what she herself believes.

    If DATES are not that important to her faith, then I maintain that she is in the wrong religion.

    I have no problem with anyone's UNIQUE INTERPRETATION OF SCRIPTURE. The problem is that Watchtower asserts that their UNIQUE INTERPRETATION is the ONLY correct one.

    The elephant in this room is the fact that there are millions of JWs that are such, not from a position of knowledge and faith. They are JW's from a position of ignorance, as they have been misled into thinking that being a JW is the ONLY way to survive an impending destruction.

    If a person recognizes from a position of KNOWLEDGE that WT is not "special" or God's "sole channel", and they still want to be a JW, it's perfectly legal. If people WANT to roll in the mud, so be it. This, however is not the theology of JWs. Watchtower is an exclusive, apocalyptic, millenarian cult drunk on it's own importance. The official dogma separates all men into two groups: Those being obedient to Watchtower law and those who are not. Life everlasting awaits the first group, eternal death awaits the second.



    Earnest.."but it is nonsense to say Jehovah's Witnesses themselves believe the Watch Tower Society or any group within it are their saviours rather than God and Jesus Christ."............If your a Jehovah`s Witness and you are inactive when Armageddon comes..Your dead..Thats what Jehovah`s Witness`s believe.....Jesus can`t Save you!..If Jesus can`t Save you,he`s not your Saviour....................................If you believe providing free labour for the WBT$ will save you..Then the WBT$ is your Saviour.................................................................(The dog is asleep!)..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • besty

    Looks like Reniaa has abandoned this thread. Hmmmm...oh well we can always keep the question warm for any other JW defenders to answer....

    Please post a list of the unique beliefs the WTS was promoting at or around the beginning of the 20th Century (that they still promote today) to justify your claims of holy spirit at that time.
  • BizzyBee

    Earnest....all apologists seem to forget that, as ex-JWs, we KNOW quite well what JWs are taught and what they believe and what they practice. So when an apologist comes here and tries to pull the same lying shite that they lay on potential converts, we have the authority to call them on it.

    To say that the WTS does not claim to be our Savior is purposely deceptive semantics. They do claim that you cannot be saved from eternal destruction without aligning yourself with their organization. It is splitting hairs to say that's not precisely the same thing.........

    So how about answering Besty's question? Anyone?

  • tenyearsafter

    Earnest, I understand that you are defending Reniaa's right to believe what she feels is right, and I doubt anyone on here would try to deny her that right. The bigger question on this thread has to do with the authority that the WTBTS claims as theirs uniquely. You use Abraham as an example and ask why was he chosen? Unlike the WTBTS, the bible very specifically identifies Abraham as God's friend...by name. The fact that his unique status as God's friend is not self-proclaimed is enough to differentiate him from the WTBTS. In addition, Jesus' lineage can very clearly be traced back to Abraham without need for "interpretation" or change in understanding as to how that can be shown.

    The line of reasoning that since JW's have the least number of incorrect teachings is a red herring as a means of accepting their claims. It would be like saying that this glass of water contained the least amount of poison as compared to other glasses of water...the fact remains that it is still poison! The reality is that ALL religions are imperfect, so it is more important to look at salvation issues (if you believe in that) rather than the typical legalistic approach of this that or the other...do we really think that Jesus woud have condemned someone for having a beard, not wearing a tie, saying "good luck" or the many other other offenses that JW's will discipline over.

    Believing is one thing...being an apologist without using your own rational thought is disingenuous. I think that is why most people here are frustrated with Reniaa...not because she believes differently than they do.


    Earnest.. "We understand why he chose the nation of Israel, because they were descendants of Abraham and Abraham was "God's friend".......The Difference is..God chose the Isrealites as his people.......The WBT$ chose themselves..........In Watchtower World.....God would`nt have a job at all,without the WBT$

    ......................................................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • BizzyBee


    Renaii - where are you?

  • tenyearsafter

    Has Earnest left the thread as well?

  • wobble

    Earnest,you have a PM,



  • Leolaia
    FACT: IN THE YEAR OF 1931, JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES (FORMERLY INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS) BEGAN THE DIVINE NAME MOVEMENT. In that year, the Jehovah's Witnesses as a nation and people, became the only organized people INTERNATIONALLY SPEAKING, on the face of the earth who actually carried God's Name (Jehovah) upon themselves in the world.


    "The American Civil Liberties Union will bring suit to test the right of the Denver School Board to exclude from classes children who refuse to salute the American flag as part of school exercises, Roger N. Baldwin, director of the Union announces. Fifty children of a cult here known as the Jehovites had been excluded by the school board. The Jehovites say they respect the flag but hold saluting it to be a form of idolatry" (Edwardsville Intelligencer, 27 April 1926, p. 2)

    That's 5 years before Rutherford adopted the name "Jehovah's witnesses" for his group, and almost a decade before the flag salute became an issue for JWs.

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