WANTED ! JW Apologist

by wobble 389 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • watson

    If we will just continue to read the daily text and comments in an undertone, and really meditate on them, I'm sure, that with time, we will all come to agreement with the Watchtower. It's like a cleansing of the brain.

  • oompa
    Besty: The point is the WTS makes big claims about sole divine appointment early in the 20th Century (1919), and yet nothing has been presented (on this thread at least) as evidence for this appointment.

    WHOOPS.....ouch girl...now you have turned into renaai!......the question was:

    oompa: can you justify your question when the WT quote you cite makes no reference to a unique belief in 1919?......a yes or no will do.......lol......................oompa

    so how do you justify your question....and all these pages of asking for a question based on a question that does not even apply to the quote you cite???..........now that is NOT a yes or no question...............................go for it...........oompa

    as i said and we all know....they have TONS of unique teachings now.......

  • leavingwt
  • besty
    so how do you justify your question

    I don't see a great logical leap - the WTS insist on acceptance of the unique today, they did so in 1954, and there are earlier quotes to this effect as well.

    There is no reason not to believe they have claimed uniqueness from 1919 and before - otherwise why would Jesus have chosen them? How would he know they were different if they had nothing differentiating them? ergo 'unique'

    Ask any JW why the WTS was chosen in 1919 and you will get something along the lines of 'because Jesus examined all Christian religions and they alone were teaching the truth about trinity, hellfire......'

    All I'm asking is what was unique about their beliefs at that time?

    ie those spirit directed teachings that have stood the test of time, not Leviathan the Locomotive and the Brooklyn Ferry timetable etc

  • besty

    I can't possibly summarise my personal feelings on 1919 and the ridiculous WTS claims any better than Norm:

    Let us try to sum up some facts here. As the Watchtower Society tells us, Jesus carried out an inspection of all Christianity, and in 1919, after having reviewed the record of all the sect's and churches therein, he decided that the sect with the absolute world record in false prophecies would be best suited as his representative on earth. We have also learned that he had actually used them since 1879, and then of course was really responsible for all their false prophecies himself. But as if this wasn't enough, when he had chosen them and poured out his spirit upon them in Cedar Point, in 1919, and 1922, they had launched upon a feverish campaign whose message was yet another false prophecy in form of the date 1925! As we can see from the above quotes, this date was held out as an absolute certainty.

    Now, ask yourself this simple question: Is this the effect one would expect "Jehovah's spirit" to have upon anybody? If you are anywhere near being an honest person, you will of course know the answer. And you will of course know the truth about The Watchtower Society's claim of being "chosen by the Lord".

    So could any of you faithful and loyal Watchtower Witnesses out there tell us what the "historical facts" show about the choice made by the Lord in 1919? I bet you will be dead silent. After all the "truth isn't about facts" as one of your best apologists said it

    Thats what I'm after Oompz - the historical facts about 1919 and what the WTS were teaching then compared to what they say today.

  • BizzyBee
    Is this the effect one would expect "Jehovah's spirit" to have upon anybody?

    and if so, why would anyone want to lay claim to having Jehovah's spirit? It would make one wonder what this Jehovah-God was up to, wouldn't it?


    It occurs to me that one of the skeins in this thread that might interestingly have been explored earlier is this:

    What does the phrase "the true religion" actually mean? Is it in the eye of the beholder with no generally agreed-upon definition?

    Does our friend R perhaps confuse it with "a good religion"- one that is mostly biblical, comforting and uplifting? Not too demanding or guilt-inducing? Not too controversial or embarrassing? Satisfying without being scary? (Of course, JW would not qualify on any of those counts.)


    Generally, I think the JWs believe that theirs is the "true" religion in the sense that God has chosen it and its people for special favor, to reveal to them alone His purpose and to directly guide them into their everlasting reward for their works, to spare them alone from the destruction of 99.9+% of mankind at Armageddon.

    Therefore, the circumstances of God's selection process should be subject to intense scrutiny - who, when, where, what, why and how. Afterall, once you accept the premise that WTS has been personally selected by the Almighty - do the nuances of doctrine really matter? Yet JWs seem content to not ask these questions and/or settle for circular answers that would not satisfy a halfway bright 4th grader.

  • besty
  • oompa

    besty: Let us try to sum up some facts here. As the Watchtower Society tells us, Jesus carried out an inspection of all Christianity, and in 1919, after having reviewed the record of all the sect's and churches therein, he decided that the sect with the absolute world record in false prophecies would be best suited as his representative on earth. We have also learned that he had actually used them since 1879, and then of course was really responsible for all their false prophecies himself. But as if this wasn't enough, when he had chosen them and poured out his spirit upon them in Cedar Point, in 1919, and 1922, they had launched upon a feverish campaign whose message was yet another false prophecy in form of the date 1925! As we can see from the above quotes, this date was held out as an absolute certainty.: ....are you

    Besty...i know it can eat you up.....are you ok?....all you say is so true....i was just saying that it was not ONE unique teaching they have ever claimed to have, not does your WT quote say that......let it go girl.....i can say that only because i so need to......you can pm me............oompa



    Oompa!.......Besty is a guy..........LOL!!..

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • besty
    i was just saying that it was not ONE unique teaching they have ever claimed to have, not does your WT quote say that

    Oompz - clear up your viewpoint for me once and for all, given the ambiguity in the sentence above. Maybe reframe the sentence with what the WTS do claim.

    Has the WTS any unique teachings dating from before 1919 that are still held as present truth today?

    If yes, state what they are. (According to Reniaa the holy spirit was gifting these truths out in spades to the WTS at that time.)

    If no, then on what basis did Jesus choose them in 1919?

    Lets leave my quote out of the equation - I concede it only refers to unique 'present truths'

    PS Note ugly bloke directly to the left, along with gender icon :-) manly hugs accepted tho :-) I have no need to 'let go' - i just like to see things settled if possible. Reniaa has bailed so its just you and Earnest left

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