We were very lucky not to have another airplane blow up this past Christmas.
Do you think we will see this country under a systematic attack in the near future?
by minimus 84 Replies latest jw friends
I believe that the date 9/11 is more firmly established than 1914. It is ALWAYS the day following September tenth.
I also believe that the jihadists are continually plotting newer ways to carry out their insanity. I believe Europe is more vulnerable and at the sam time more in denial about the reality of what they are facing. The flag of the appeasers is a yellow pansy on a field of yellow.
Once a year...!
No, there won't be anything quite like 9/11. It was as shocking as it was mostly because it was the first, and there's only one of those.
The audacity of the scale will not quite be recreated.
There will be other events - USA will not (in my lifetime) achieve the same security as, say, Britain in the IRA days - will never concede the liberties, devote the money for infrastructure, hire the police, so there's the opportunity for a thousand cuts to be delivered.
I disagree that Europe is more vulnerable - each country is smaller and has much greater latitude to respond - as well as much more past experience in being attacked.
My greater fear (being attacked is not a big fear but rather a likely occurance - just much smaller than 9/11) is that more attacks will lead more to a police state - and the closer we get to a police state, the more likely our home-grown terrorist wannabees get control.
"They" better hope not. Something as catastrophic as 9/11 will ALWAYS be returned with a catastrophic rebuttal and the mess is a real b*tch to clean up.
I think the only way to prevent 9/11's is to inspire fear in whoever would try to harm this country. Right now I'm not sure that such fear is being inspired as much as it was in the past.