What they want is the destruction of Israel, their words, not mine. Can you negotiate anti-Semite views? Can you convince them that the Jews aren't so bad? Can you convince them that America is not the Great Satan?
Do You Believe The USA Will Have Another 9/11???
by minimus 84 Replies latest jw friends
The founding fathers of your country were against a passionate attachment to the interests of another country. They said that it would bring all kinds of unnecesary problems. Many of the current problems show this.
Deputy Dog
How are those compromises and negotiations going with the WT? The JWs are little leagers (easier to negotiate with), compared to Islam.
Simon's post brought this to mind from Tolle's book ... A New Earth. It's very good book to read and might help some to better understand how important NEGOTIATE really is. I don't know, maybe it will help someone.
From Tolle's book A New Earth
In certain cases, you may need to protect yourself or someone else from being harmed by another, but beware of making it your mission to "eradicate evil," as you are likely to turn into the very thing you are fighting against. Fighting unconsciousness will draw you into unconsciousness yourself. Unconsciousness, dysfunctional egoic behaviour, can never be defeated by attacking it. Even if you defeat your opponent, the unconsciousness will simply have moved into you, or the opponent reappears in a new disguise. Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists.
These days you frequently hear the expression "the war against" this or that, and whenever I hear it, I know it is condemned to failure. There is a war against drugs, the war against crime, the war against terrorism, the war against cancer, against poverty, and so on. For example, despite the war against crime and drugs, there has been a dramatic increase in crime and drug-related offenses in the past twenty-five years. The prison population of the US has gone up from just under 300,000 in 1980 to a staggering 2.1 million in 2004. .............
War is a mind-set, and all action that comes out of such a mind-set will either strengthen the enemy, the perceived evil, or if the war is won, will create a new enemy, a new evil equal to and often worse than the one that was defeated. There is a deep interrelatedness between your state of consciousness and external reality. When you are in the grip of a mind-set such as "war" your perceptions become extremely selective as well as distorted. In other words, you will see only what you want to see and then misinterpret it. You can imagine what kind of action comes out of such a delusional system. Or instead of imagining it, watch the news on TV tonight.
Recognize the ego for what it is: a collective dysfunction, the insanity of the human mind. When you recognize it for what it is, you no longer misperceive it as somebody's identity. One you see the ego for what it is, it becomes much easier to remain nonreactive toward it. You don't take it personally anymore. There is no complaining, no blaming, accusing, or making wrong. Nobody is wrong. It is the ego in someone, that is all. Compassion arises when you recognize that all are suffering from the same sickness of the mind, some more acutely than others. You do not fuel the drama anymore that is part of all egoic relationships. What is its fuel? Reactivity. The ego thrives on it.
People like Simon live in fantasy world that denies history and denies fact. The only thing Islamic terrorists want is the end of Western civilization and the death of everyone that won't submit to them. There is only the House of Islam and the House of War as anyone with even a cursory knowledge of Islam very well knows. Good luck with negotiating when they hold you down and cut your head off.
And yes, there will be more attacks. I am concerned about the "home run" major destructive event scenario but I'm even more concerned that the terrorist will abandon that effort and decide it's more productive to start blowing up shopping malls and shooting up school buses.
I agree with Jazzbo that the only thing these terrorists want is the end of Western civilization. How do you negotiate that? You can't.
: ...they want the end of western civilization?
OH really??? IT"S because we ARE IN THEIR GODDAM LAND!!!
IT'S CALLED BLOW-BACK! class is over
I think looking at it as "what do these Radical Islamic countries want" is incredibly simplistic and childish.
What you have to consider is "why are the extremists in charge of these countries?" i.e. what made them more popular than the moderates?
There are plenty of examples where the west (US and GB) meddled and either removed the leaders they wanted / had or else supported (via the CIA) putting someone else in charge.
Iran is the perfect example of this where 'we' meddled and eventually ignited a backlash which gave birth to the Islamic Revolution and now you have a government made up of the more extreme elements of the political spectrum who resent and distrust the west and promote that ideology in their culture.
Even so, to lump the entire country as hating us would be wrong - there are moderates that want to take back the country and aren't as opposed to the west. However, it would be naive to imagine that things will change overnight ... but what we shouldn't do is assume that we can keep making things worse and there are no consequences to our actions.
We are paying the price NOW for what the governments of 50 years ago did and we will be paying the price in the next 50 years for what the recent governments did.
All the many hundreds of thousands of civilians killed in Iraq will not die without some consequence in their public opinion.
Really, imagine 9/11 but going on every day for years and years and years and hundreds times as many being killed - and then the people doing it saying "gee, I wonder why we're disliked? They must just hate our way of life ...".
Al-Queda - the perfect example of blow-back from a terrorist network that the CIA used to fund.
After reading Muslim Mafia I tend to think they are changing their tactics for time being, though it is possible. I've already posted this elsewhere but here we go again.