The post I just made on another topic is equally applicable to this one:
The only way to win, long term, is to stop people WANTING to attack you like this.
Now, hands up everyone who thinks killing people's fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, cousins or grandparents is going to help with this?
The simple truth why starting some crazy "war on terror" will never work and just creates more terrorists. Of course, if you make money from selling arms and are part of the industrial military complex then it's a brilliant plan.
It's also the reason that the governments who promoted the war both make it a crime to discuss WHY someone would commit terrorist acts as though that somehow promotes or excuses terrorism.
The truth is, you NEGOTIATE with terrorists if you want to have peace. Until you do that, you have war. Evidence: Northern Ireland and the IRA, Spain and ETA.
Unfortunately, America suffers from it's ego and enough uneducated TV-led public opinion to keep the madness going indefinitely. But then, that is the plan isn't it ...