Worse than 911. Nuclear attack will come from inside america. It's only a matter of time.
Do You Believe The USA Will Have Another 9/11???
by minimus 84 Replies latest jw friends
I don't think the US has changed what it does over seas enought to think that the hatred that some people have for them has diminished.
I don't think that the option for terrorism acts VS the US has been ruled out by Terrorists.
I don't think that there is any real fear of repercussions from the US, so terrorist cells are not afraid of attacking the US.
So yes, I think it is possible that another act may happen on US soil.
The radicals need to believe that they are being taught in a wrong way. as long as their ideology is not denounced thouroughly by other Muslims, they will continue. Someone has to get to their brains that old Mohammed would never condone this.
I believe the WHOLE world will soon be engulfed in another 9/11.
It is only a matter of time before a major city is engulfed in a mushroom cloud.
I believe the WHOLE world will soon be engulfed in another 9/11.
"Every man's sword will be against his brother"
John Doe
Friggin nutcases!
Friggin nutcases!
Zechariah or Ezekiel?
Tee hee hee.