When it comes to talking about American/Middle East relations it's best to know the history or ya just end up looking like an uninformed fool...I'm not talking about Simon. The US in not an innocent party in this mess. Blow back is a mother.
Do You Believe The USA Will Have Another 9/11???
by minimus 84 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, Mrs. Jones. It is very revealing when the right talks of Obama's "apology tour." Those who fail to learn history.........
John Doe
The US in not an innocent party in this mess.
There are no innocent parties in any mess.
Yes, NO ONE is innocent here. The question is, what will satisfy hijackers, bombers, "terrorists"? Blaming this one or that one doesn't change anything.
Deputy Dog
Simon First you said:
The truth is, you NEGOTIATE with terrorists if you want to have peace.
Then you said:
I think looking at it as "what do these Radical Islamic countries want" is incredibly simplistic and childish.
How else do you "NEGOTIATE"? You both have to want peace. I'd like to see you "NEGOTIATE" peace with the likes of the WT. Let's say its over blood for children.
The SHADWOW gov. is the REAL terrorist ... Who formed AL-QUEDA? Wasn't it the CIA? thank u. class over.
WAC, The "class over" is getting old.
Simon says....."The truth is, you NEGOTIATE with terrorists if you want to have peace."
In case you are not sure, Hitler was a "terrorist".
Neville Chamberland negotiated peace with Hitler, and came back to Britain with a piece of paper, signed by Hitler...."Peace at last, peace at last".
Days later, Hitler invaded Poland.
The letter of peace was big enough to wipe Chamberland's butt, and that's all it was ever good for.
I see your point, Hubert.
By the way, Happy New Year!
Min, Happy New Year to you and yours too, my friend.