HappyGuy you nailed it.
Do You Believe The USA Will Have Another 9/11???
by minimus 84 Replies latest jw friends
LOL!!! JAZBO QUOTES CNN!!! THE SAME ONES WHO SAID THERE WAS ANOTHER TERROR ATTACK ON 9/11 IN 09. Be careful who you quote...you make yourself look so uncool
Destroy them before they destroy you.
I'm trying min. Hey..who let in?
The only thing that the Jihadists respect is force. You want peace with them? Then make the consequences of their actions so horrific that NO ONE will dream of supporting them or giving them shelter.
But is that not circular reasoning if we use any leader of aggression? Millions fried when the US dropped the bomb in Japan - millions of innocent civilians skinned alive by one act of American terrorism. After WW2 millions of Germans were starved to death by the Allies..retribution for Nazi actions during the war - acts of Western terror? Dresden - an act of British terrorism and the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocents to send Stalin a message? No country is without their own acts of terror - being an innocent person just trying to survive during any aggression makes one a target.
The problem is that with Muslims, if that is the terrorist we are facing, then we first have to identify them. How? It is a religion. We would first have to shut down all the mosque's in this country as possible terrorist havens and then ban specific religions. That won't happen. We would then have to target specific races of people who are the most likely to be Muslim. People don't like that. We could use psychological profiling but there is more money to made for business by using a machine instead of training people...any number of Israeli security people have come right out and said that the problem with the USA is that they ignore the validity of personal profiling (questioning every single traveller and removing those deemed suspicious) and they ignore the rights of the innocent majority because they refuse to profile.
I don't know how we stop all terrorism except to remove all fanatical and fundamentalist groups entirely..and then that becomes subjective at every level. sammieswife.
BTW - it would be really nice if we could stop the anti-America labeling. People have differing opinions and these are primarily in political discussions which is not anti-American aka against all Americans but aimed at American policy/government issues.