We will always be a target. Yes, I think another symbolic attack could happen.
Do You Believe The USA Will Have Another 9/11???
by minimus 84 Replies latest jw friends
islam does not mean peace.
islam only means peace to muslims who blindly submit. christians and jews are viewed as pigs and unbelievers who deserve to die.
I will rephrase your question...
do you believe the usa will ALLOW another 9/11?
NORAD stood down ... but tracked SANTA??? GIVE ME A GODDAM BREAK!
wha happened?
While US soldiers are in the Middle East, Muslim radicals will think of new ways to scare the bajesus out of people. It doesn't have to be a 9/11. Just something significant enough to make everyone stay up at night.
That flight from amsterdam should thank thier lucky stars that the bomb didn't ignite. Just go on youtube and look up what 10 grams of that explosive can do
Unfortunately yes I do think there will be more acts of terrorism visited upon the US.
Part of teh shock of 9-11 was that it happened on US soil. Suicide bombers are a daily threat elsewhere and teh US has bee left relativelt unscathed from such things with the exception of domestic terrorist activities (OK City).
It is this domestic threat that is more likely to escalate in North America than foreign threats IMO. I do really feel the US needs to concentrate more on domestic issues before continuing their world police function they had assigned to themselves.
There will be acts of terrorism ALLOWED. Key word ALLOWED! 9/11 was ALLOWED. Nutsack bomber was ALLOWED to board the plane. The next 9/11 will be ALLOWED etc. Class is over.
Yes and I'm shocked it hasn't happened already. But then again I was raised JW to expect catastrophic world events.
yadda yadda 2
Absolutely. It won't happen until America finally pulls it's troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan and it will be a LOT worse than 9/11.
Deputy Dog
Do You Believe The USA Will Have Another 9/11???
I'd love to be wrong, but...It's only a matter of "when", not "if". Did we kill the all of the (Islam) enemy? Did they surrender? VoidEater
The audacity of the scale will not quite be recreated.
You need to rethink that statement. There are many ways to go to a larger scale. You don't have to be a terrorist or spend much time to think up things much worse.
Yes, it will happen again. With the porous this country's southern border it will be easy for Islamic terrorists to smuggle a dirty bomb into a major city anddetonate it.