I could say the same thing of your diatribe
You could (say it). Mine holds more weight though because it is true.
By your reasoning, no wars could ever end. They do. So you're wrong.
by minimus 84 Replies latest jw friends
I could say the same thing of your diatribe
You could (say it). Mine holds more weight though because it is true.
By your reasoning, no wars could ever end. They do. So you're wrong.
You could (say it). Mine holds more weight though because it is true.
By your reasoning, no wars could ever end. They do. So you're wrong.
Mine holds more weight because what I say is true and is supported by history. You're going to have to elaborate when you credit my reasoning with saying wars can not end. That is not what I've said, and I suspect yours is a typical liberal misconstruction of the issue and my point.
Yes, and it's just a matter of time and opportunity. The USA is a highly letigious society, with a population all consumed with all kinds of rights and liberties; this will hinder the ability of keeping that same population safe.
Well, dictatorhsips don't seem to suffer from Terrorist attacks as much, then again democracies don't seem to go through violent revolutions that much either.
You're going to have to elaborate when you credit my reasoning with saying wars can not end.
Duh ... you said that if you kill them you create 100 more but if you negotiate with them then that would create 1000 more.
Why would it? What would they be fighting against?
You have to explain your 'reasoning' because frankly, it isn't reasoning - it's just rhetoric that makes no sense.
My reasoning:
Conclusion: we should not compromise and negotiate with Islamic terrorists
Simple enough for you? And as I've mentioned, the middle east has been at war for hundreds of years. If ending it were as simple as baking them an apple pie and calling them good guys, the war would have ended long ago. You suffer from a utopian delusion that does not conform to reality.
Well, you seem to have this huge generalization going on there ... you mean ALL Islamic countries behave exactly the same as you say? Really?
Doesn't it depend on the party that is in power? Do you think the behavior of the US affect which party gains traction? (when they are not taking direct action).
So all Islamic countries behave like that, always have and always will ... is that really what you are saying?
History (at least in Israel) seems to indicate that compromise and negotiation fails with these guys, because it rewards their bad behavior, every little grievance results in a homicide bomb.
So all Islamic countries behave like that, always have and always will ... is that really what you are saying?
Taken in the aggregate, yes.
Do you think we will see this country under a systematic attack in the near future?
We have been and are continuously under a systematic attack from Islamic terrorists. Just because not all the attacks succeed doesn't mean they have given up. They attack us every day in one way or another.