Why 144,000 ?

by exwhyzee 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento
    Some scholars have used Psalm 104 as a basis for suggesting that Adam and Eve were enwrapped in garments of light. When they transgressed God's command, that light was extinguished. That's how they knew they were "naked."

    Hmmm, interesting view.

    Interesting stuff about that at the link below. Also, note carefully the conjecture that Adam held out for 3 hours before finally caving in and eating the fruit that was presented by Eve.

    At least they admit itis conjecture.

    Could this, perhaps, be the reason for the 3 hours of darkness during the Crucifixion?

    Well, playing a numbers game is not always the right thing to do, numbers can mean anythign we want them to mean.

  • snowbird

    Still, you have to admit it's the sort of stuff that makes you sit up and go hmmm.

    For example, why 3 hours of darkness?

    Of course, I would never presume to push my views off on someone else.


  • PSacramento
    For example, why 3 hours of darkness?

    One hour for each day Jesus will be "dead" before being ressurected

    One hour for each decade Jesus was Human

    One hour for each "age of man"

    One hour for each "person of the trinity"

    One hour for each 1000 years before his second coming...

    I can go on and on, get my point?

  • snowbird

    I sure do.

    That's the reason for being here, isn't it?

    To get and understand each other's point of view?


  • PSacramento

    Yep, I hope that is why we are here :)

  • tec

    I never took the 144 000 literally. To me, taking 12 000 out of the twelve tribes of Israel - coming up with 144 000- seemed that every Jew would be saved, and then the great crowd was out of every other nation in the world.


  • PSacramento

    If we take the OT as an example, the 144k being of the 12 tribes and being "virgins" was very typical of the OT "gathering a holy army to do battle" writings:

    They had to be represented of all the tribes.

    They had to be pure of spirit and body.

    The number being literal or not is irrelevant really, its the description of the process that gives us the clues that harken back to the OT.

    When going to battle, a holy army was chosen, an "X" number of representatives from every tribe and they would go through a purification ritual and would not be defiled in body or spirit.

  • tec

    Thanks, PSac. Interesting what we can think of when we're not focusing solely on the number itself.

  • PSacramento

    Well, whenever we study the bible we need to take into account WHO wrote the book/letter, to who it was addressed and what they were trying to convey.

    Sure at times it is very hard, I mean, looking from the 21st century into the mind of a 1st century persecuted Jew/christian is hard enough, now add to that someone that was inspired by God to write to his fellow ancient people a warning that THEY ( not US) could not only understand, regadless of how the message was delivered ( but probably orally), but would also "hit home".

    Sure John used far more symbolisim than he needed, but we have no way of knowing if that was John of Patmos's way of writing and if that was the case, then those he was writing too probably understood what he meant, just like people in Shakespear's time understood him better than people in the inner city brought up on rap.

  • cameo-d

    Well, whenever we study the bible we need to take into account WHO wrote the book/letter, to who it was addressed and what they were trying to convey.

    Do you think the Piso Family had something to do with it?

    Could these "ancient" texts really be not so ancient?

    Is it all metaphor to be deciphered and realized as things come into focus?

    Are we playing a holographic game?

    Or does humanity just keep repeating on this hell planet school?

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