brotherdan, just google "144,000 harmonic resonance" and you'll find lots of great stuff about this, that's what I did.
by exwhyzee 74 Replies latest jw friends
brotherdan, just google "144,000 harmonic resonance" and you'll find lots of great stuff about this, that's what I did.
Syl - I reread in the NEV and its clear that it was opened up to the Gentiles...but only ones who have faith from the Jewish nation would be blessed, as in individuals, so the kingdom wouldnt be made up of just literal Jews ....which ties in with the fact that as a nation they never did accept Christ...(John 1 v 11 & 12) Is there another point I'm missing here?
Loz x
What's the best site to look at for the whole 144,000 resonance thing?
The one at the top of the list
Advanced search About 645 results (0.05 seconds)
That's this thread, you tard face!!!
Ephesians 2 v 6 & 7 tells us that the reason humans are taken up to be in the kingdom is so that God can show the 'incomparable riches of his grace (undeserved kindness ) in the ages to come...'
Loz x
144,000 as a harmonic:
Great link pirata, thanks!
That's exactly why the book of Revelation says it's a "new song" that "only they can Master".
The overlords of this planet, the Black Magicians who are raking in all the world's money at companies like Exxon-Mobil, have known how everything works for thousands of years, keeping the knowledge from us while they use it to play us like a piano, literally.
Syl - I reread in the NEV and its clear that it was opened up to the Gentiles...but only ones who have faith from the Jewish nation would be blessed, as in individuals, so the kingdom wouldnt be made up of just literal Jews ....which ties in with the fact that as a nation they never did accept Christ...(John 1 v 11 & 12) Is there another point I'm missing here?
Loz x
We know they cant be literal Jews since Jesus told them 'your house is abandoned to you'
Maybe those individual Jews of faith will amount to 144,000?
Just a thought.
Amazingly, the boys at Nicea did leave some evidence in the Bible of Jesus' true teachings. He said we were gods, that we would do things greater than he did, and that our minds could "move mountains" with just a little faith.
There was an excellent series of youtube videos on "Quantum Communication" that has disappeared because of a "copyright claim", which seems to happen to all the best stuff that the NWO Mafia doesn't want us to know. The videos were by David Sereda... here's a radio interview with him that should help shed significant light on this subject.