Why 144,000 ?

by exwhyzee 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • ProdigalSon

    JWoods, it doesn't make sense because the "science" you speak of only deals with the very narrow bandwidth of reality that it can verify. It's about time to get into the era of string theory physics, aka metaphysical science. You'll never, EVER make any sense of the Bible until you do.

    Maybe I wasn't so good at explaining it, so here's a quote from some channeled information at...


    QUESTION:Dear Kryon, what exactly are the 144,000? In the Bible, Jehovah Witnesses use the term to let us know that only 144,000 Jehovah witnesses will be saved, etc.

    ANSWER: Does it make sense to you that in an earth of over 6 billion Humans, that only a fraction of those would be saved from eternal damnation? How does that play into the infinite love of God? However, If it serves those who believe it to do so, then honor their free choice. They are looking for the same divine answers that you are. However, at some point "spiritual common sense" has to also be honored for you to perhaps consider an alternate:

    The number 144,000 is a metaphor for energy of spiritual ascension. It is 12 times 12,000. This, of all things, should give you the answer. Our discussions of the twelves is legendary and will not be repeated here. You will see this number in many places. It isn't a literal number of Humans or entities, or days, etc. It is instead a "pointer" to you of what certain energies are on the planet, and the sacredness of them. It is especially pertinent to the new Crystalline Grid energies, and what is taking place in this new energy.

    After all this time, it's now more important than ever to understand that much of channelling and scripture is given in metaphor form. The reason should be obvious now that we are beginning to broach the interdimensionality of your essence, your matter, and your spiritual structure. You live in 4D, and the universe around you is in 12D and beyond. Anything out of 4, however, is a mystery. Time is not time, and reality is multi-layered. Past, present and future are combined, and there is no linearity. Therefore spiritual information is often given in numerical energetic code. Your DNA has the same thing, as someday you will see.

  • JWoods

    Great. Now I fully understand string theory.

  • undercover
    Now I fully understand string theory.

    You meant 'strung out', didn't you?

  • Lozhasleft

    I will go and recheck those chapters Syl.

    Loz x

  • snowbird
    I will go and recheck those chapters Syl.
    Loz x


  • JWoods

    You live in 4D, and the universe around you is in 12D and beyond. Anything out of 4, however, is a mystery. Time is not time, and reality is multi-layered. Past, present and future are combined, and there is no linearity. Therefore spiritual information is often given in numerical energetic code. Your DNA has the same thing, as someday you will see.

    Come, Undercover - come and follow the great numerical energetic code - your DNA is telling you to do this...someday you will see...

  • undercover

    Come, Undercover - come and follow the great numerical energetic code - your DNA is telling you to do this...someday you will see...

    When logic and proportion
    Have fallen sloppy dead
    And the White Knight is talking backwards
    And the Red Queen's "off with her head!"
    Remember what the dormouse said
    Feed your head
    Feed your head

  • cameo-d

    144,000 is a vibrational frequency, the number of harmonic resonance, required to make the "ascension" from a 3-dimensional carbon-based body to a 4-dimensional crystalline-based body, otherwise known as a "light body".

    Makes absolute sense to me. I have seen many images representing this. If anyone is interested in knowing more, a good place to start is CYMATICS. This will explain a lot about the effects of vibrations due to the waves. The "Ascension" is acoustical levitation.

    This is the kind of body Jesus had after his resurrection, where he could walk through walls but was still able to eat regular food with Doubting Thomas.

  • brotherdan

    The 144,000 aren't talked about as being from every tribe and nation. That's ONLY the great crowd, right? If I remember, the 144,000 are spoken of ONLY as Israelittes. That is why the WT says they are SPIRITUAL Israel.

  • Ding

    In Revelation 7, the 144,000 are on earth in the last days, not in heaven. Otherwise, why the command not to harm land, sea, or trees until they are sealed (7:3)?

    They probably have a special witnessing work in the last days, fulfilling Matthew 24:14, although even that isn't certain.

    I agree with Brotherdan that they are literal Jews. Otherwise, what are the tribes all about? But we could we wrong on that. Ephraim and Dan aren't mentioned.

    Meanwhile, in Revelation 19:1, the great crowd is in heaven!

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