sorry if i am frank, but your wife sounds like a pretty vicious person. she is being horrible to you and you dont deserve it. also, for her to just up and move like that is totally shady and makes me wonder if she had been planning this before you became an apostate. all i have to say is you DESERVE BETTER, and FIGHT FOR YOUR CHILD.
I HATE this religion
by brotherdan 388 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nick .... I am not a Mormon, technically I am still an active JW
The WTS ripped off the FWN idea from the Mormons (who started it in 1905 and strongly suggested it be held on Mondays in 2002) and they have set up thousands of sites devoted to FHE ideas. All of these ideas (crafts, songs, games, activity- Sunday school stuff) can be adapted to any belief system.
Genuine apologies, Yknot, my brain got ahead of itself. I should have read your post more closely.
Dan, if I was there I'd give you a good shake. Get a grip and take control, man.
Bro Dan
I assumed that the problem stemmed from you not attending the hall.
Now It's because she doesn't love you and haven't for a long time. On top
of goin' out drinkin' with worldy friends in which I'm sure the Elders would be
none to pleased at. Dan there's something more goin' on in this picture
we are not seeing
Why would she want you to go back to the KH for her, If she don't love you anyway ?
Why would she expect you to waste your time on something you don't want to do
and it won't save your marriage either way.
I can't speak for all women, but the average women ain't gonna choose being alone over
a good lovin' man. Just like one poster said earlier, ever since eve, we crave the opposite
sex. There is a third party in this. I don't know who or what it is. But it's there.
I have been through the death of a child. I didn't think I'd be able to get up the next day and didn't really want to, but God can see you through.
She is still alive. Your kids are still alive.
So there is hope.
Dan, if I was there I'd give you a good shake. Get a grip and take control, man.
Wish you WERE here, brother. :-(
If you'll PM me with a phone number, I'll be willing to phone you or to have the friend I mentioned phone you.
I think we all need to be very carful and unjudgmental, Dans wife has just had a baby, she is vulnerable, we do not know her well enough to talk about her and judge her. I know because If you read my post I was in a dark place, vulnerable and had a baby, but my hubby and I got through the difficulties, Love and patience can conquer so much.
Take Yknots advice, Fight Dirty
nothin' in life come easy , somebody out there
is workin' against you. use whatever means necessary
within the law of course . You want your family. FIGHT
It's just that it is my life and my kids. It's hard to be objective when I have so much to lose, you know?
so has she... suddenly living you and moving to a different city doesnt sound like a very well thought out decision, does it? its just an emotional tantrum.
so if both of you are acting under emotions then outcome wont be a smart one. you wont lose your kids, you love them and they love you. And if your wife doesnt love you..... well you are not really loosing much.
think objectively.
think think think