I will fight. It's just...how long can you do it? Really...
I HATE this religion
by brotherdan 388 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Geez.... stay off the "Why did god kill children" thread, Dan. I didn't realize this had escalated so quickly. No reason to be dealing with that issue, too.
Do you have any buddies at work?? No unbelieving relatives?
Even if the answer is no to those questions, you aren't alone. We may be typing on the other side of the country but we are all going through this with you. Shit, if you were even one state away, I'd come get you.
I feel for you, bro. Keep your senses! I know that's easier said than done. I don't think I would have control if I were you but hang in there.
Dan you don't need to out yourself, we take your word on your wifes looks
Now take my word on this, I'm old enough to be your wifes mom, and my home
fires are still burnin'. You first need to find out exactly what your up against
then handle your bussiness. "GIT ER DONE"
Wasblind - I can't speak for all women, but the average women ain't gonna choose being alone overa good lovin' man. There is a third party in this. I don't know who or what it is. But it's there.
Dan, I'm so sad for you. But I agree with the above statement and i apologize if this seems disrespectful to you or your wife. If there is no abuse, it take a lot for a woman to leave a man she loves.
Her leaving was in the works and she's had help arranging it. This is the first step. She's thinking ahead to future without you and acting according. This should be the wake up call for you to do the same. Seek legal counsel. If you belong to a union, trade or professional organization, they can direct to to free or low cost legal assistance.
Do you know where your important documents are (wills, birth certificates, deeds, financial statements, credit/bank account numbers, SS cards, passports etc)? I bet she does. Right now you have to set aside your emotions and get your affairs in order.
I wish I had something valuable to add Bro Dan but I havent - I am so very sad for you hearing the turn things have taken - I cant get my head around why she's doing this - a devout witness would surely want to fight for the marriage no? - is she possibly in post natal depression? - the emotional distress is obviously wiping you out at present and I know heartache is the worst pain - but - it will get better however things develop - it really will. Hold onto that thought....
Loz x
Think About It
I've been out a long time, but I remember the elders being pretty rough on women leaving their husbands when there was no scriptural grounds. I even know of 2 cases where the sister was coerced by the elders into staying in the marriage even though she was being physically abused, because of the "Jehovah hates a divorcing" thing. Dan's not preventing her from attending meetings and there is no JW scriptural grounds for her to leave. I can't see where they would be too pleased with her intended plans. I heard there is a "spiritual endangerment" clause now, but that doesn't look to be the situation here. You hate to bring the elders into your business, but I would definately play this card if I had to. The main thing is to keep the family together right now and work out the differences later.
Think About It
There is "clarification" on being free to remarry. I scanned it but need to look and read it more clearly. If I read it correctly, it will be not as easy for her to be scriptually free.
Dan I have sent you a private message
Does the company you work for or your insurance company offer "Stress Leave"?
Now might be a good time to take advantage of it.