I will not, for any reason, forgive, nor forget the uncle who rapped and sodmised my daughter over a period of 11 years. I will not forgive or, forget my aunt, his wife, or my step-mother for allowing him to do that.
I personally understand... and agree, dear Quentin (peace to you!): there are some things that we just CAN'T forgive, NOT because it's impossible, but because we, individually, just may not have it "in" us to do so. In such an instance, I most probably wouldn't be ABLE to forgive, as well. What to do? I cannot speak for anyone else, but since I know that not forgiving isn't blasphemy, I have no fear in that regard. However, my Lord's direction to me is to forgive, release, show mercy, and not judge. How can I reconcile that with my inability to forgive someone something like this? I look to Christ to cover over even THAT error, that "sin."
Neither the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... or His Son and Christ, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA... expect perfection from us, other than perfection in love. THey both recognize, however, that we are (1) dust, and (2) often unable to "fulfill" the law (both the Law Covenant AND the New Covenant). THAT, dear one... is the very REASON why my Lord gave HIMSELF: so that HIS blood can "cover" the sin, error, shortcoming, etc., of those who cannot fulfill on their own.
Since I AM... not WAS a sinner... I AM going to fall short. AM. Gonna not forgive someone something somewhere at some point and time. Gonna. To say different would make me a liar. I AM. So, I look to HIM to "cover" that error... with HIS blood. Because "unless blood is poured out, no letting off [of the sin] takes place."
I am a sinner... and I am going to sin. Period. So, I need a "covering." The blood of my Lord is that covering, dear one. Because I have FAITH in that One... and the covering power of his blood... I can live my life with a CLEAN conscious. To DEMONSTRATE my faith in that One and his blood... I accepted his invitation to be in union with him... by eating his flesh (a small piece of bread)... and drinking his blood (a small sip of wine). To demonstrate my GRATITUDE... for him giving his blood and providing that covering, I endeavor to share the truth about him. It is the least I can do.
Religion teaches us to live in fear... of God and Christ. Christ... sets us free from such fear... through his love. Because perfect love casts ALL fear... outside.
I hope this helps and, again, bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,