Publishing Cult can sure dish it out and speak his mind..... However when people on You Tube want to comment on his outbursts of false statements, he simply blocks them. PC stopped allowing post to his YouTube videos about the Six Screens of The Watchtower. He obviously was not getting support for trying to further his agenda. Please note ... The Six Screens website , It's You Tube videos and The Conference Call allow all to comment, whether its critical or positive. PC if you can't stand the" heat get out of the kitchen"
Publishing Cult posting on an earlier thread had this to say..... one of Rick's staunch supporters, poconoporker, on youtube, who seems be rather enamored with RF's body of work, has mirrored my last two vids about RF and states I am resorting to WT style tactics. I thanked him for mirroring my vids. It went from me trying to patiently and rationally discuss people's concerns with what appeared to be me eating one of my own, but it turned into petty ad-homenem attacks- I must be gay, blah blah blah. I blocked comments for a while and ratings until the crazies stopped beating at the door . . . for one day. I forgot to enable the ratings on one of the videos and now I am dishonest. I am afraid the majority of people are on Rick's side, apparently. Link to poconoporkers You Tube comments Publishing Cult does not want you to see. Scroll down read channel comments. ...