Publishing Cult gets publicly reproved on You Tube !

by koolaid-man 148 Replies latest members adult

  • james_woods

    Lils daughter makes more sense than just about anything else written on this four month + train wreck:

    The first time she met Rick and his group, on the ride home she said to me "mom, that guy is a loon, cut your loses and run the other way". Ahh, the wisdom of youth.
    This is all baffling, and in simplest terms...downright stupid. Haha. Personally I think you should get off the computer, stop worrying about finding the next biggest "sensation" for your conference call and get a real life.

    Well said, daughter of Lil. Well said.

  • koolaid-man

    james -woods does not hesitate to speak his mind because he has nothing to lose.

  • james_woods
    james -woods does not hesitate to speak his mind because he has nothing to lose.

    Ahhh-0h yes. I am elevated to the level of Lil's daughter - having now had the valuable ad-hominem attack from a delusional fringe case.

    I think that I will take an hour or two break now to drive my Ferrari.

  • lovelylil

    Apparently a letter from a teenager with foul language offends Rick but he had no problem posting a link to youtube comments wherin PC was called many homophobic foul names including cunt, pole rider and much worse.

    Why the double standard Rick? At least my daughter was respectful enough to send a private email to you and not involve others into it. She didn't even tell me or her dad about it. I think she is WAY more mature than you.

    I wonder how your christian friends and bible students friends will feel about you after tonight when you try to go up against an 18 year old kid?

  • Mary
    koolaidman said: I want to make it perfectly clear at no time did I say on this forum or on my call that I beleive 100%, Johnny is what he says he is.

    And yet you've had him back on your show again and again, trying to pass him off as being legitimate, even when it became obvious he was a fraud. You tried promoting him on here as being legit and tried giving the impression that "Johnny" was going to be "the next Ray Franz" without any credible evidence whatsoever. You then attacked LL for daring to question "Johnny's" claims, even though you now admit that you don't "believe 100% Johnny is what he says he is." If that doesn't smack of Narcissism, I don't know what does.

    What if he is a troubled, confused, disenfranchised Bethelite trying to reach out for help?........ How embarrassing and painful would that be for those calling Johnny a total fraud?

    Let's give Rick and Johnny the benefit of the doubt here for a moment and assume Johnny is a indeed a Bethelite. If he is a "troubled, confused, disenfranchised Bethelite trying to reach out for help", his spinning bizarre and incredulous tales about Bethel and your promotion of them doesn't help him one little bit does it? It would show that he has a problem with being a pathological liar and you---by your relentless encouragment and sensationalizing of it, are no different than the the people who made money from the side show freaks at Coney Island a hundred years ago.

    This entire fiasco is reminiscent of what Ray Franz described in CoC. After Freddie Franz & Co. promoted 1975 as being The End of this System of Things, it meant huge increases in the number of converts. Even when the Governing Body started to realize that maybe they shouldn't have put all their eggs in one basket, the double-digit increases were enough to make them turn a blind eye to the lies they promoted because to them, the ends justified the means. When 1975 came and went, instead of publically apologizing, then instead became defensive and lamated 'Well, we never said for sure that 1975 would bring The End.' It would seem that Rick has taken the same stand. Although he surely realizes that "Johnny the Bethelite" is no more real than what 1975 was supposed to bring, the fact that his Six Screens of the Watchtower has received so much more publicity in the last few weeks seems to justify the means as he sheepishly now claims: "at no time did I say on this forum or on my call that I beleive 100%, Johnny is what he says he is."

    How pathetic is that?

  • wasblind

    Hello there Lil,

    It gives me the creeps, knowin' that steph will be on the same phone line as this group. Everyday

    we interact with people who maybe younger than us, but we are not aware, because we don't know them

    but these people know who your daughter is and how old she is, but yet they are ready to pouce on her and

    they look forward to it, thinkin' that tearin' her to pieces will save them face from this Johnnie debacle.

    that's where the big mistake will be , she may be young, but from her post she is not nieve, Rick can't handle

    this younger generation, I wish he would stop. Better yet I wish Steph would not even get on the phone

    with him, it just gives me the creeps knowin' that an older man look forward to try and take down a young lady

    it's almost like he suddenly has an obession with steph. Just creepy

  • Finally-Free
    Better yet I wish Steph would not even get on the phone with him, it just gives me the creeps knowin' that an older man look forward to try and take down a young lady it's almost like he has suddenly has an obession with steph. Just creepy

    I agree. Koolaid guy is headed toward an imminent crash and burn and he wants to take whoever he can with him using whatever tactics he can. For him "Johnny" isn't the issue. The issue is to hurt whoever he can while he still can before he finally hits bottom. She's young and bright, but there's really no good reason for her to be unnecessarily exposed to the worst that mankind has to offer. Koolaid guy is obsessed with her, and that creeps me out too.

    By all means, watch the crash and burn, but do it from a safe distance.


  • wasblind

    ((((((( Finally-Free )))))))

    I wonder just how many folks get the same creepy feelin' we gettin' from this FF

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    So, what time are you going on the call, PC?

    I don't want to listen to hours of baloney waiting for you to come on.

  • lovelylil

    I think PC will be on around 10. That is the time Rick gave for Johnny (possibly) showing up. Johnny will show up around 1 am when everyone is in bed except his regular cronies that stay up all night for the late night with Shiela program. Mark my words, I know the entire program already.

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