Publishing Cult gets publicly reproved on You Tube !

by koolaid-man 148 Replies latest members adult

  • Morbidzbaby

    Oy vey... Children, children, knock it off, go to your rooms and think about what you've done!

    LMAO but seriously... IMO, PC was stating what many of us have thought...he just had the virtual testicular fortitude to make a video and post it. I know back in 2002, I came across the Six Screens website and was still an active JW at the time...thankfully I found other sites that were not wonky and were factual and not just trying to stir the shit. The Six Screens website, along with the youtube videos of cold calls to the WTBS headquarters with Rick harrassing the receptionists and whoever else would answer the phone really turned me off, and if not for OTHER sites and OTHER youtube vids, I would probably still be in and towing the party line.

    To stoop to levels of attacking someone's sexual orientation because you don't like what they say is incredibly childish and shows the caliber of some of the people who are on Fearon's side. A hack is someone who does a job and does it poorly...with mediocre professional standards. I think a lot of us can agree that there is no professionalism with Rick's videos and conference calls. I question whether he DOES have a standard, considering the levels he has been willing to stoop to now and in the past. Rick has taken it upon himself to do the job of warning people about the WTBS...which is an honorable torch to take up and it's an admirable thing to want to help others. But by resorting to the very thing that he (and all of us) purports to despise about the WTBS (reporting half-truths and jumping to conclusions) he's not really helping many people and he's falling right under the WTBS umbrella of what it is to be an apostate. I just don't understand how he cannot see this.

    Maybe PC is getting blasted by other apostates, but his videos are clear, concise, and truthful. The Six Screens videos tend to lean toward sensationalism and downright lies. All PC did was call Rick out on his nutty behavior and suppositions. While SOME good has been done by Fearon and his wife, I have to agree that for every ONE person that has been helped by The Six Screens and their Christian group, there are probably ten more who went running and screaming back into the arms of the WTBS. If anyone was curious or had doubts, the foaming rabid apostate feel of Fearon's approach would more likely solidify their resolve that the WTBS is correct about apostates, rather than show them that there is nothing to fear of us.

  • yourmomma

    This is the type of people Rick is using to defend himself? Look at the guys comments, and let me make it clear what I am about to post is NOT from me, and is very hateful and homophobic:

    The guy who's videos Rick is posting said this on his first PC cult video: "FYI, PCu*t is a flying flamer. That's why he attacked Rick. Think about it. Rick gave his OPINION about the art work and the VAG went right on the attack. I also questioned PCunt if Rick brings absolutely? NO awareness about the Watchtower. The loser NEVER replied. That brings me to the conclusion that it's a GAY matter and it hits a nerve with this pole sitter."

    This is who the Six Screens of the Watchtower associates himself with? I am so beyond disgusted. I have gone from liking Rick and just viewing him as a good man who is just a bit quirky, to not only having zero respect for him, but finding him offensive and at the very least a condoner of homophobic hatred and bigortry, or at the very worst a bigot himself.

    I am publicly condeming anyone associated with Six Screens who would stand by these disgusting comments, and Rick needs to address this issue on his show.

    How can any of the respectable people who go on his show condone this type of hatred?

    I am absolutly beside myself.

    (And if you want to see the comments by Rick's associate that I could not even begin to post on here, check the 2nd video, I would block this absusive, hateful and profrain poconoporker also, who wouldnt?.)


    Rick/ UnCoolaidman

    Ok..I watched the Video and read Pornoporkers comments..

    Just one Question..

    Why would you link JWN to Comments that are so Vulgar,I can`t post them?..

    No wonder PublishingCult blocked them..

    Thats not a Public Reproof..

    Thats one more Embarrassment for Six Screens..

    You are one Silly Fool..

    If you Gain a Few more Pounds,you can be 2 Silly Fools..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • isaacaustin

    Rick you are a total idiot and make Christians ashamed to say you are in any way associated with them. Sheesh, you are pathetic.

  • wasblind

    Rick, PC did you a favor by blocking those comments

    but no, you just had to show, where you gleened your support from

    don't you know by now that bad association spoils useful habits ????

    as a man who calls himself a christian, you should have wanted to keep that blocked

    just the other day you got on Farkle about the use of such language, and now your

    gettin' on PC because he blocked such language, make up your mind

    Here's a reminder of what you told Farkle

    Rick said:

    :Farckle clean language would be a good starting point in helping witnesses.

    As for me I don't mind a little flavor in my words as long as my words remain truthful

    but hey, that's me


    This Week on the Six Screens show..

    Rick Fearon explains how he acquired Dorothy's Ruby Red Slippers..

    And..Later in the show..

    Rick interviews his New Helmet..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • isaacaustin


    Why a new helmet? Although I am fully convinced that Rick Fearon must have suffered a serious head injury at some point in his life.

  • wasblind

    OMG!!!!! Outlaw your sick

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    That Rick started this thread and wants to be affiliated with poconoporker in any way speaks volumes. We are often judged by the company we keep. Usually that judgment is fairly accurate.

  • koolaid-man

    I do not encourage this type of language, but I thought most posters on Publishing Cults threads would feel at home. I do not endorse all that was said on these You Tube comments, but I think it is necessary to present both sides of the argument. Let the people speak... don't block them!

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