Publishing Cult gets publicly reproved on You Tube !

by koolaid-man 148 Replies latest members adult

  • yourmomma

    Rick, do you condemn the anti gay comments made by poconoporker?

  • isaacaustin

    Rick your certainly are like the speak out of both sides of the mouth.

    I do not encourage this type of language, but I thought most posters on Publishing Cults threads would feel at home.
    I do not endorse all that was said on these You Tube comments, but I think it is necessary to present both sides of the argument.
    Let the people speak... don't block them!.....RF/UnCoolaidman

    You don`t encourage language like that..But..You post links to it?..

    You thought we would be at home with that Language..Knowing we Don`t Approve of it on JWN?..

    How does PornoPorker calling PublishingCult a C*NT ,present another side to an argument?..

    You indiscriminately lash out at anyone or anything you don`t like.

    If it doesn't work out..

    You hide behind a few words,that don`t make any sense to anyone with more than one Brain Cell..

    No doubt your Congratulating Yourself,for another Brainless Post..

    ....................;-) ...OUTLAW

  • undercover

    ya know... most times you only see a train wreck after the fact. It's interesting (and almost entertaining in a macabre way) to actually see the start of a train derailing and watching as it tumbles int the ravine below, crashing and burning. It's like watching a movie...

  • MeanMrMustard


    Rick, I don't see where PublishingCult was "schooled"????? I followed your link and I see poconoporker saying all sort of stuff about being blocked .. and how PublishingCult is gay... but I just can't find the location where he was "schooled".... I've been looking for a half hour now, and I'm going to have to get back to work. Rick, can you point out what text officially "schools" PublishingCult (I don't see it).

    ...unless you mean a guy just getting upset about being blocked... and insulting PC... is that what you meant by "schooled"? To me thats called "getting yelled at". I don't know.. maybe I'm old fashioned, but when I hear someone got "schooled" in a debate/argument over an issue, I tend to think that ... well... maybe ... some logic was involved somewhere...



  • cantleave

    Sorry Rick, I don't see you point.

    Derogatory, homophobic, infantile rants should be blocked. This wasn't healthy debate, it was right to stop it.

  • wasblind

    " How does PornoPorker calling PublishingCult a C*NT ,present another side to an argument?.."

    ------- Outlaw

    Answer that Rick, how does that school PC on the validity of Johnnie the Bethelite?????

    Feel free to answer, after all this is the thread you started on gettin' schooled, owned

    reproved or whatever

    " I do not encourage this type of language, but I thought most posters on Publishing Cults threads would feel at home "

    Reminder: This is the thread you started Rick there's no need to conform to any habits that you don't approve of, this ain't the KH

    no one is twisting your arm to post things you don't approve of, are they ????

    If they are feel free to report it to Simon


    The Information provided by Rick Fearon in this Thread..

    Can be Reduced to One Word..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Rick, why do you feel the need to do this on a public forum? PC tried to ring you several times at your request, but it always goes to answering machine. Clearly, this Saturdays six screens with Jonny the Bethelite has put the wind up you, maybe it would be better for you if you saved this vitriol for then.....why wind things up now.......? Are you worried about anything? I guess you are still wound up from the Memorial...still WAITING for you to post the link on how that went by the way........look, I will condem when I see the evidence, but right now, you need to stop digging this hole for yourself, gather yourself and get ready for Saturday. Like PC, I wish you all the best!


    Johnny the Bethelite i s getting Ready..

    For his next Six Screens interview..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

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