Publishing Cult gets publicly reproved on You Tube !

by koolaid-man 148 Replies latest members adult

  • lovelylil


    My daughter is 18 and wrote a letter in anger because YOU a 60 year old man, made her mother cry. I had nothing to do with it and found out about it after the fact. But never saw exactly what she wrote. But my question is this? What does that letter have to do with Johnnie the Bethelite?

    The six screens call on Saturday is supposed to be about Johnnie and proof he is real. My daughters letter has nothing to do with that, it was written by an angry teenager. You are ridiculous person, and showing again, you are not a christian.

    Ray says thanks for the red are just trying to distract from the real issue which is you are a LIAR and Johnnie is a FAKE.

  • lovelylil


    My daughter just told me you are lying and that her letter contained NO PROFANITY. I am glad you are going to read it on the call because it backs up the fact that you and your group made me cry. She will be on the call to defend her letter. But again, WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH JOHNNIE????

    Oops, I said a profane word, HELL. OMG, are you going to read this on six screens too?

  • Iamallcool

    Rick, this is a picture of you digging

  • lovelylil

    All Rick's evidence supports everything I have said about him and his group. IF he posts the church call he will see I was truthful, IF he reads my daughter's letter,it will show I was truthful, and was really hurt by his church group set up, and the six screens call already showed I am a caring friend who tried to help Rick whom I thought was being taken advantaged of.

    And ALL of IT has proved Rick is a fake! He cannot prove Johnnie is real so come Saturday he will throw up smoke and mirrors to try and detract from the real issues. But I don't think pc will let him do that.

  • koolaid-man

    By the way , where is Publishing Cult , Is he hiding his head in the sand!

  • xsk8trboizrhotx

    Yo what up Rick! It's Steph Cruz, Lilly's daughter. :D I wrote the letter, and it wasn't "laced with profanity", I just don't like you, mostly because you turned around and threw my mother WHO WAS NOTHING BUT KIND TO YOU under the bus. How sick and twisted is that? Post and/or read my letter, I don't know what you call "profane" nowadays, but stating I don't like you and what you and your lil cult did to my mom is not profane. So come at me bro, I'll be on the conference call. >:] *hahahaha*

  • yourmomma

    RICK, do YOU condemn the anti gay comments made by poconoporker???????

  • yourmomma

    I see, so Rick is going to condemn on his show a letter written to him with profanity, but its ok for him and his supporters to not only use profanity, but also use anti gay slurs?

    Rick, why dont you in addition to that letter condemn what your supporter poconoporker said on the videos that you deliberatly posted on this forum?

    This is a very serious issue as many of your listeners are outraged at your and poconoporker's behavior against the gay ex-jw community. You need to address these issues.

  • koolaid-man

    Looking forward to Steph being on the call. Bear in mind it could get heated....... so be prepared.

  • xsk8trboizrhotx

    Rick, I think the only one who needs to be prepared is yourself, I think you have in your mind that I'm some meek little child who can't stand toe to toe with you at all, but in truth you're arrogant and looking for the thrill of a heated telephone call, I think you just secretly get off on it. Bear in mind my previous remarks, you yourself should be prepared. :D Exciting right?

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