Publishing Cult gets publicly reproved on You Tube !

by koolaid-man 148 Replies latest members adult

  • wasblind

    Rick, the issue is not about LovelyLils daughter, it's about you validating

    Johnnie boy, stop throwin' up smoke screens, throw up Johnnie

  • lovelylil

    ha,ha,ha Rick is gonna TRY to take on my 18 year old. If you only knew Rick how INtELLIGENT she really is. Well, you will find out! she can stand up for herself pretty well.

    Again, what does Steph's letter have to do with Johnnie the Bethelitte? Does anyone else smell fish?

  • ROC68

    Hey its a family affair!!!!!!!!!!

    We look forward to the call. I know you are just doing this to get more callers on your phone call.

  • ROC68

    Hey its a family affair!!!!!!!!!!

    We look forward to the call. I know you are just doing this to get more callers on your phone call.

  • wasblind

    " Does anyone else smell fish?"

    Yesssssssssssssss and it's smellin' mighty high

    I think ricks gonna do everything he can to detract

    from johnnie

  • ROC68

    We have RED HERRING on the Menu.

    No other fish is being served.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I know you are just doing this to get more callers on your phone call.


    I think we ought to boycott every part of the show except when PC comes on to debunk Johnny (he can post here when he's ready to speak) and then hang up when he does, leaving Rick's sycophants alone to circle-jerk over their Christian victory defeating the godless homophyllic apostate crowd.

    When all this began I had a small bit of respect for Rick and his conference call.

    Now I have NONE.

  • xsk8trboizrhotx


    Funniest thing I ever read.


  • yourmomma

    I agree with Mad Sweeny, I know i and some others are done with this conference call that supports bigotry. (I've listened to his call from the beginning) Also I wonder if Rick even thinks about the diversity of his listeners, he seems totally fine with throwing away not only the entire gay ex-jw community, but people such as myself and others who are straight but will not support or condone bigotry against gays or anyone else.

    It parralells the watchtower in 2011, they would rather have a small group of zombies and get rid of everyone else who doesnt follow the masters 100%.

    This for me is a dividing line , anyone who supports Rick after his lies, and this disgusting homophobic speech has lost all credibility for me.

    We are suposse to support those that leave the watchtower, and to think that a gay person who is treated like filth inside the watchtower finally gets the courage to stand up for themselves and leaves, and then has to deal with this crap that six screens is promoting is unconscionable.

  • Mad Sweeney

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