Publishing Cult gets publicly reproved on You Tube !

by koolaid-man 148 Replies latest members adult

  • wasblind

    Hey there Mad, scince the baloney is all ready being provided

    why don't you bring some bread, cheese, tomato,and lettuce

    that way you can make a sandwich while you wait


    RF/ UnCoolaidMan

    Hey Outlaw Don't get insulted, but is your job devoted to spreading ignorance?..

    A couple of posts back,I forget which thread..

    You asked another poster if he "ate paint chips as a kid"..

    That is such an over worked Joke..

    Steven Tyler told it on American Idol,now everyone tells the same dam joke..

    My best guess is..Your post to me,is a Lame Attempt at Humour..

    You much better at Victimizing Women and Trashing your own Credibility,than you are at Humour..

    You should stick to being an AssH*le..There are times when your funny doing that..

    Although I realise you don`t understand why..LOL!!

    ................................ ...OUTLAW

  • Stealth

    I have never listened to this Six Screens show. But if you could get Moses on the call, I would consider it in the future.

  • sabastious
    The issue is to hurt whoever he can while he still can before he finally hits bottom.

    Do you really believe that? Am I just naive or something because I don't see that.


  • Morbidzbaby
    I have never listened to this Six Screens show. But if you could get Moses on the call, I would consider it in the future.

    Moses, as well as the other "biblical princes" will be making an appearance...should be any time now *checks watch*

  • wasblind

    Hey there Sab, I'll break it down like this

    Lovely Lil got thrown under the bus, she was hurt and betrayed

    because of Ricks need to perpetuate this fraud about Johnnie.

    This has hurt Ricks credibilty, he's crashin' and burnin' right

    before our eyes and it's sad. And he's trying to hurt Lil and her

    daughter as he go down.

  • freetosee

    Hello there Wasbild,

    " It is amazing how Christians treat each other!"

    Hello there Freetosee,

    I've learn not to lump all who claim they are christian into one pot

    a real christian have no need to advertise it by word of mouth that they are

    because you will be able to see it through their actions

    Ricks actions are not of christian character

    Lovelylil said Rick is "an unbelievable Liar, NOT A CHRISTIAN."

    Now that Rick has apologised and things are setteled, does that mean he has been reinstated back into the Christian family?


  • lovelylil


    Not everything was settled on the conference call. You can listen to it if you wish, I am not going to rehash it all here. Rick did backpeddle on several things he origionally claimed about me and my daughter on this forum, and then was forced to apologize rather than come up with proof to back up his claims.

    While I have accepted his apology that he did not intentionally throw me under the bus and hurt my feelings with the johnny thing, I made it clear to him that because he perpetuated this whole "johnny" thing, even when he should have known Johnny was a fake, several people were hurt. Rick had to take responsiblity for that, which I think in the end he did.

    So, while I do accept that Rick is a Christian brother of mine, I will no longer have any contact with him nor his church, and niether will anyone in my family. Hope this answers your Q. Peace, lil

  • freetosee

    Thank you Loveylil!

    You surly have good reason to feel deceived and hurt. Even though you stood up for him, Rick treated you in an unkind way. He has rightfully lost your trust and friendship.

    But not only did you say he is "not a Christian", you further said "HE IS A LIAR, Which as a "christian" means you are alligning yourself with your father, the devil. Also a liar."
    Interestingly on his last conference call Rick repeatedly called JWN posters "Satanists".

    I think that is the worst thing a "believer" can say to another person, especially to a fellow believer!

    It is amazing how Christians treat each other!

    or I could say

    It is amazing how people of the same faith treat each other!


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