Publishing Cult gets publicly reproved on You Tube !
by koolaid-man 148 Replies latest members adult
Simon, I want you to know, I consider it a privilege to announce the Six Screens of The Watchtower conference call on your Jehovah's Witness discussion forum, and I personally thank you. A handfull of posters find the annoucements are to sensationlized, vivid and over dramatised.The fact is large numbers of people check JWN every Saturday to get information on our conference call and are very thankfull it is posted here.
It's exciting to see so many Witnesses leaving The Org. The internet is "The Great Equalizer". The concerted effort by all the critical sites of the Watchtower deserve applause. Hosting a forum, a website or a conference call is not an easy task. It takes up a lot of time, it cost money and as you well know Simon it comes with much ridicule and controversy. We are not making money,we are not trying to make a name for ourselves.... It's all about healing.
When you were on our call Simon in Aug. 2008 you announced to our audience that you were shutting down the forum. The insulting and contemptuous behavior by some of the board members were causing problems and it was becoming too much. We are all pleased that you kept the board up.
Approximately 50 threads in the last four months have been started centering around "Johnny the Bethelite" and his tie to The Six Screens of The Watchtower. Upwards of one hundred thousand clicks,hundreds of posters, thousands of posts, dozens of shared videos,and scores of audio clips have made this one of the most talked about subjects in JWN history. Apparently the JWN crowd can not get enough of Johnny.
What is of interest is many of the posters on JWN have not actually listened to Johnny on our call and some have only heard bits and pieces. Many rushed to judgement and sided in with those posters suggesting Johnny is a fraud.
Johnny first came on the call Jan 1- 2011. He has showed up on our call pretty consistently every two weeks sharing startling thoughts with our audience on what is going on at the world headquarters of The Jehovah's Witnesses. I do agree that some of what he says does not add up or sound legitimant. Other statements he makes do sound believable and satisfying. I do not know this young twenty two year old man, I have never met him personally, and I am sure his real name is not Johnny.
I want to make it perfectly clear at no time did I say on this forum or on my call that I beleive 100%, Johnny is what he says he is. What if he is a troubled, confused, disenfranchised Bethelite trying to reach out for help?........ How embarrassing and painful would that be for those calling Johnny a total fraud? I think he should be cut some slack and hopefully if he has not been scared off ,he will be on The Six Screens call April 23, 2011 around 10pm est. Even if Johnny does not come on the call, we will have an even tempered debate and hopefully settle this ongoing saga.
If indeed I can be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that Johnny is a fraud, I will apologise publicly to my audience and make a public apology April 25 on this forum.
I would indeed make more public apologises if I knew what to apologise for... Ok... I will apologise for the link I put up to Poconoporkers You Tube channel. It would be humilliating to be smeared on a public forum like You Tube. I do not approve of foul langauge and I admire those on here that do not use it.
From what I can glean from the posters they are sugessting I make a much needed apology to Lil. One side of the story does not tell all. Saturday night this issue will be settled.If I am in error I will admit it, apologise and move on.
At no time on any of my posts did I stoop so low and call anyone of you A WILLFUL LIAR, or some other choice word, and even if I did use such langauge to describe you.. Guess what you are hidding in cyber space where nobody can tarnish your name. Most of the people posting on these Six Screens threads are like EMPTY ENVELOPES WITH NO ADDRESS.
Looking forward to The conference call Saturday..... Get in early to secure a line. It is going to be BIG!
Wasanelder Once
Rick doesn't like bad words, Jesus would be unhappy with him. We all want Jesus to be happy, how else will he get his sleep while the little children call out to him as they starve to death, suffer abuse and sickness? I guess I should just call Rick the "Richard" we all know him to be.
I think I see what happened, koolaid-man. Your conference call functionality, I think, is the ultimate culprit here. Your show has no order and is, by design, a free for all allowing anyone in at any time. "Johnny", as you claimed he might be, a troubled 22 year old's life shouldn't be broadcasted over the internet and especially not in the blindsided way you allowed it to happen.
For the most part, your conference call has been a success and has helped a lot of people. It is the FORMAT of your show that helped turned it into Maury Povich of the EXJW's. I think you would do well to learn from that mistake and alter your program format for future episodes.
The conference call tomarrow is supposed to be about PC discussing Johnny with you. It is not supposed to be about me or my daughter writing you an email. You are NOW saying you never said you believed in Johnnie 100% but during the last conference call you said people have "eat crow" because Johnny does appear to be real.
If you think I am going to hang around on the call for three hours or more in hopes of an apology you are mistaken. You KNEW Johnny was a fake, I was told by credible sources you were told about Johnny and still perpetuated the lie. I thought Johnny was misleading you and tried to warn you. You set me up for Shiela to try to embarass me during the church call. You knew I was upset, you never called. I wouldn't even accept your apology now if you gave it.
I am going to tell my daughter Not to waste her precious time. I can see where this is going already. You are not truthful. I am not talking to you tomarrow or any of your cronies. I am simply going to listen as pc wipes the floor up with you.
Rick, write on a piece of paper 10 times. "Johnny is fake" Hello?
Rick....How does it feel to know that me, an 18 year old, is laughing at you an older man? I mean, I've been sitting down and thinking so hard as to why a grown man would wish to assault a girl who was defending her mother, when I stumbled upon a startling're a sociopath. Look at Rick all dressed up, isn't he just a wonderful Ted Bundy? His nice pressed suit and his deep sick motives.
But even thinking that still made me laugh, harder than usual...actually to the point of tears. An old man v.s me, amazing and strangely satisfaying to the ego that you would waste time wanting to try and embarrass me, or have me attacked by your friends, I'll tell you now there's not much they can do to truth there isn't anything they can do to me. :D
But what was more interesting was your battle strategy, such a chess master, moving all your pieces as you please, you kept that letter for two weeks. A good plan no doubt, knowing full well I wrote that letter to you the day I walked into my living room to find my mom sobbing. The rage I felt then is something you could never ever feel in your life. You, a person I had told my mother to cut off from day one when I met you had turned around and done what I knew you would. I wish she had listened to me, but alas.
This is all baffling, and in simplest terms...downright stupid. Haha. Personally I think you should get off the computer, stop worrying about finding the next biggest "sensation" for your conference call and get a real life. I'm sure a nice little place in Florida on the beach would be a perfect choice, it's where all the elderly go after all.
Yes, Lil, Rick is dangling your daughter as a distraction. He has not been forth coming with the church audio as he promised. And so, the story remains onesided and Rick gets to imply nobody has heard HIS side, and yet he refuses to offer HIS side, lol.
Rick, it seems unbearably unfair, doesn't it, that in real life, people are not as stupid as you woud like them to be, doesn't it?
He is a liar, or in the very least, not a man of his word. He has vascillated between touting Johnny as the next Ray Franz and expressing doubt. Terribly dishonest. We all know he tossed you aside and tried to punish you in front of the entire church for getting out of line and questioning his made up Bethelite, Johnny. Now he is backpeddling with his promise of apology if Johnny turns out to be fake, and he is fake, and Rick already knew it.
"I think he should be cut some slack and hopefully if he has not been scared off, he will be on The Six Screens call April 23, 2011 around 10pm est. Even if Johnny does not come on the call, we will have an even tempered debate and hopefully settle this ongoing saga."
This is how Rick intends to play it. So, now after all the bullshit, it is our fault Johnny got "scared" and ran away. Rick thinks he is going to walk away with some bullshit apology, and we should accept it because either Johnny was a fraud unbeknownst to Rick, or Johnny just ran away because we scared him off.
But we already predicted this would be one the ploys he intended to use.
Johnny told Mary on the last conference call he was sending her something that would "really get [her]", the context of which was supposed proof of Bethelite status. Where is the proof for us? We want to believe, yes we do, and so passionately do we want to believe that somebody in Bethel would come forth to shed light on this cult, but too much about Johnny is hinky and contrived, and we just want some proof so that we can fall in line and believe. Who the funk is Mary, anyway? It is nothing to provide "proof" to a schill in cahoots with the fraud, but it is an insult to everyone to be deprived of the required proof. Where is the picture of his Bethel ID?
If Johnny is for real, he can prove it. If he is for real, he will be on the conference call to address my questions, with absolutely nothing to fear. He will not be there.
Johnny, if you read this, do yourself a favor and contact me. Rick has my contact information. I'm sort of offering you a way out. Please take it.
My family will be listening, but I am not talking unless I have to defend myself. and then it will be short and simple. No tears now that is for sure. I know too much now about Rick being a sham. Yeah it hurt to find out he was not the honest guy I thought he was and I was duped. Hard to believe that an educated women could not smell Ricks bulls**t up close.
Should have listened to my little genius. Like they say "out of the mouths of babes", her bulls**t detected is a little younger and stronger. The first time she met Rick and his group, on the ride home she said to me "mom, that guy is a loon, cut your loses and run the other way". Ahh, the wisdom of youth.
My problem has always been, I am too trusting. Although I am skeptical of people outside the church I need to apply the same skeptisism to those inside of it. That is a lesson I have fully leaned as of now.
So if anything, I probably owe Rick a thank you. Peace everyone. Until tomarrow, when I shall join you at the circus!