Publishing Cult gets publicly reproved on You Tube !

by koolaid-man 148 Replies latest members adult

  • xsk8trboizrhotx

    :D I'm so excited, I feel like a celebrity...or possibly....some kind of awesome distraction that serves only to take everyone's eyes away from that whole Johnnie inccident.

    Which is still awesome Rick. :D I think nasty and disgusting/psychotic are the only words I can really think of to describe you, and your homophobic slurs really bother me, as well as your blatant and clear hypocrisy. Give your ego a rest, it must be so tired.

    Until this conference call I'll be bouncing off the walls with excitement! So happy. :DD ♥

    A parting word, He who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw stones Rick.


  • yourmomma

    You know as soon as the heat is put on him one of 2 things will happen:

    1. His supporters like Mary with the runs will not let you get a word in edge wise and attack you


    2. He will simply press mute

    But at least people will get to see how things are run.

  • PublishingCult
    She will be there to defend herself since she is 18 and can speak for herself, but I am telling you right now, you had better reconsider trying to throw an 18 year old under the bus like you did her mother because you will have ZERO supporters left for your little six screens circus calls.

    OH, this is perfect, actually.

  • PublishingCult

    By the way, Rick, I have not blocked YOU from posting comments on my youtube vids. If you would like to stay on topic and address the issues I presented in the vids specifically, I will certainly approve your comments. If you only want to slander homosexuals, I might approve that as well. Either way, you're an ass.

  • wasblind

    Rick hit a new level of low, trying to use a daughter, to hurt the mother

    when you mess with our children no matter what age, that's stickin'

    a finger in the eye, Rick you have scaped the bottom of the barrel bud.

    you have lost all respect, all respect. I'm so disgusted , I think it's time for

    me to exit this thread of Ricks

  • sizemik

    Ricks already pissed off lil's hubby enough for him to register on JWN . . . now he's going to crucify his daughter . . . does he think he's bullet proof or something?

  • lovelylil

    Rick is one sick puppy. He claimed out of "respect" for me he would not post the church call even though I told him He had my permission to do it. But now he is going to read a private email my 18 year old sent him in defense of her mother? Apparently Rick has no respect for fellow christians, ex-jehovah's witnesses, homosexuals, and now teenage girls.

    Who the hell would stoop that low to advertise a website?

    As everyone can see, my daughter can defend herself very nicely. She joined the forum today to do just that. She does not have to hide behind her mother, she is her own person and can come out strong to defend herself, sans the foul language. She doesn't need it. She is educated enough to speak her mind without that.

    That is WHY Rick is ignoring my repeated requests to post the email he claims he got from her.

  • PublishingCult
    That is WHY Rick is ignoring my repeated requests to post the email he claims he got from her.

    Rick is a barking dog . . . the kind that at first glance seems dangerous with snarls and teeth showing. Make a move toward it, however, and it immediately runs the other way barking at you over its shoulder, tail between its legs.

  • cyberjesus

    oh I have been missing the Jwn meetings... they are so fun.

  • PublishingCult
    < DICK SEZ >>> I do not encourage this type of language, but I thought most posters on Publishing Cults threads would feel at home. I do not endorse all that was said on these You Tube comments, but I think it is necessary to present both sides of the argument. Let the people speak... don't block them!

    So, which parts DO you endorse, exactly? And what, exactly, IS the other side of the argument . . . that I'm a polesitter? Well . . . ?

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