I changed my mind because I found out that Rick is NOT really interested in helping ex-jw's as I origionally thought. He knew from the beginning that Johnny was a fake, I have good sources for this information and even though he was told this by several people, he kept perpetuating the lie. And I do not support WILLFUL liars. That is why I am no longer supporting Rick, nor defending him.
I begged him to come forward and admit it once he knew Johnnie was a fake, he decided to keep going with the lie because it was good for ratings. He also orchestrated a situation during his church call to try to have the same six screens group attack me, when he knew I would be outnumbered and I refused to play his game. This was very hurtful. He never apologized, although he knew I was upset about it. My daughter wrote him an email and well, you can read the rest on this thread.
My daughter is also claiming Rick is lying about the content of the email she sent and will be on the call to defend herself against false accusations. Rick better think twice though before going after a young kid, he already has enough enemies. Hope this answers your Q. Peace, Lilly