Publishing Cult gets publicly reproved on You Tube !

by koolaid-man 148 Replies latest members adult

  • lovelylil


    I changed my mind because I found out that Rick is NOT really interested in helping ex-jw's as I origionally thought. He knew from the beginning that Johnny was a fake, I have good sources for this information and even though he was told this by several people, he kept perpetuating the lie. And I do not support WILLFUL liars. That is why I am no longer supporting Rick, nor defending him.

    I begged him to come forward and admit it once he knew Johnnie was a fake, he decided to keep going with the lie because it was good for ratings. He also orchestrated a situation during his church call to try to have the same six screens group attack me, when he knew I would be outnumbered and I refused to play his game. This was very hurtful. He never apologized, although he knew I was upset about it. My daughter wrote him an email and well, you can read the rest on this thread.

    My daughter is also claiming Rick is lying about the content of the email she sent and will be on the call to defend herself against false accusations. Rick better think twice though before going after a young kid, he already has enough enemies. Hope this answers your Q. Peace, Lilly

  • wasblind

    Lovely Lil,

    There is nothing, nor has it ever been wrong to stick up for

    someone you cared about. Whats wrong is the fact that Rick

    threw someone who cared about him under the bus. And on

    top of that he tries to inflict more pain by using someone near and

    very dear to you to try and cause more hurt. No matter what he calls

    himself, we now know him by his fruitage

  • lovelylil


    Thank you.

    Freetosse asked me the same Q twice, I think by reading all the posts on this thread, it is OBVIOUS why I changed my mind about Rick.

  • wasblind

    You are very welcome Lovely Lil

    I truly thought that Rick was a good man being led astray by this Johnnie character

    and I'm not one who say what I don't mean. Freetosee, you are welcome to read some

    of my post where I even said I believed he was a good man. Now I am eatin' crow with Hot sauce

    Wuz gotta have her hot sauce

  • freetosee

    lovelylil, I was actually asking about rick being allowed to continue posting on JWN. I understood, just recently you were against that.

    Anyway, I am happy you have a daughter and husband that are giving you full support. And think its ridiculous rick wants to make your daughters email public!!

    It is amazing how Christians treat each other!

  • lovelylil


    Sorry for the misunderstanding. I agree with Simon that Rick should keep posting, then people can see what he is truly about. I think its amazing how people in general treat each other. Peace, Lil

  • wasblind

    " It is amazing how Christians treat each other!"

    Hello there Freetosee,

    I've learn not to lump all who claim they are christian into one pot

    a real christian have no need to advertise it by word of mouth that they are

    because you will be able to see it through their actions

    Ricks actions are not of christian character

  • ziddina

    Aaaaaugh!!! au


    Dammit, now I'll have to go launder my eyeballs with bleach...

    Zid bang head on wall

  • ziddina

    Nickolas, I can't read 'morse code'...

    I just skimmed the whole thread...

    Oh, for Pete's sake...

    And to think, I thought I'd put my foot in my mouth, the couple of times I called in to make comments on Rick's show... Just goes to show - if you think you've embarrassed yourself, just wait a bit - someone else will humiliate themselves even worse...

    Publishing Cult - that pix of that poor dog!! I wish someone would call the Humane Society for that poor animal!!


  • Morbidzbaby

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who notices this, but Rick's responses are all advertising his call-in show this weekend... He's like... a friggin' carnival sideshow announcer... "Step right up, folks and see me TRY to humiliate a teenage girl!! SEE the new lows I'm willing to stoop to!!

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