A large number of the population’s older people are Christians because they were brought up by Christian parents. Their view of right and wrong has come from the bible which they were taught at school and in church. They are decent people who have a common set of principles to live by that they share with their community.
They have never searched for truth or questioned the bible account of things. They are content to stay in line and enjoy the security that comes from believing that everything is sorted and explained. They are not personally responsible for the world’s evils or the evils of religion throughout the centuries. Without religion the world would be much the same as it is. Wars are fought by greedy men in power in ‘the name of religion.’ Without religion there would be other regimes that may be less desirable who would find another excuse to fight for power and exploit and control the population.
The new version of Christianity embraced by younger people is said to be based on the original teachings of Jesus. It is based on a perceived direct spiritual connection with Jesus and, teaches love and belief in a benign god. As I understand it, the bible and all its offending scriptures depicting a vengeful and angry god have been assigned to the status of a novel. Only the parts that teach love and forgiveness are accepted as inspired.
Thought not a follower of Christ myself, I can think of philosophies or beliefs that are a lot worse to adopt and live by. Society will work itself out by consensus but whether a world without the influence of Christianity would truly be a better world is debatable. Is the behaviour of people in a secular society really improved by the loss of Christianity? As the influence of Christianity on society diminishes, the void needs to be filled to maintain a balance. As society evolves we are able to watch and decide but it could be a mistake to throw the baby out with the bathwater.